Opinions on the fair 9
“The National Association Roller Shutters + Sun Protection is
proud to have been the sponsor association of the R+T from
the start and as a result a close partner of the Landesmesse
Stuttgart in organising this leading world trade fair every
years.Wework together closely with the managers of
the trade fair company to make sure every time that the R+T
remains indispensable as a place for the industry to get to-
gether and keep it attractive and future-oriented with new
ideas for its concept and supporting programme. But we
also look forward to welcoming as many association mem-
bers as possible to our own stand at the R+T 2018 again and
talking to them.”
Christoph Silber-Bonz,
General Manager BVRS
“The R+T is an absolute must for everyone from our indus-
try. The perfect appearances of the industry with examples
its latest innovative products to touch and try out will be a
special highlight in the 2018 calendar. There is no other trade
fair where you can find out about current trends as quickly
and comprehensively. The trade fair company, exhibitors and
associations also repeatedly put on a top quality show in
the supporting programme. It is particularly pleasant for me
personally, after being active for more than 25 years as a con-
sultant for industry and trade, to see that the trade fair is as
big a draw as ever and that it is the place to get together for
the greater roller shutter and sun protection industry family.
Dear Entrepreneurs, give your teams the opportunity to at-
tend the trade fair and show the young employees in parti-
cular that committing themselves to such an exciting future
market makes sense. See you at the trade fair!”
Gunther Büxel,
Managing Director Büxel Training & Consulting
“I’ll be at the R+T in Stuttgart for the fourth time in 2018.
I’m especially looking forward to our industry’s latest pro-
ducts and innovations. Interacting with all the colleagues
and suppliers I’ll meet at the fair stands will naturally also
be a prime concern.”
Sandra Mayer-Wörner,
Mayer Rolladen- & Sonnenschutztechnik
“I’m really excited at the prospect of the R+T 2018. It is the
biggest trade fair for sun protection and the industry’s inter-
national platform.With its ideal three-year rhythm, the R+T
is always spot on target. Our members can present them-
selves here in an ideal environment, irrespective of whether
they assemble sun protection or supply components for
assembly. The ViS constitutes its own product area in the
trade fair with its members for interior privacy and sun pro-
Ingo Fahl, Chairman ViS
“Parà will present its newTempotest awning fabric collection
to an international audience at the R+T 2018. Colours, designs
and materials will be interpreted from a new point of view:
that of the sun! The sun is the centre of the universe and
communicates via light with humanity.The light reveals new
structures, visual effects and newmelange plays of colour, de-
veloped by innovative textile techniques.The newTempotest
collection has a clear message: nothing is as it appears!”
Matteo Parravicini,
Member of the Board of Management of Parà
“Our ITRS will be there for the seventh time with a stand spe-
cially designed for the trade fair. For us it’s a good opportunity
to meet at least half of our members, whether as exhibitors
or visitors. Apart from the manufacturers of roller shutters,
sun protection and motors, the R+T is becoming interesting
for increasing numbers of companies from other segments of
the ITRS.”
Getrud Müller, Managing Director ITRS
“For us as an association, the trade fair provides an effective
platform, because on the one hand, we would like to introdu-
ce ourselves to those in the industry that do not yet have any
direct contact with us. On the other hand, we can appeal to
trade fair visitors at the R+T, who have previously only dealt
with exterior sun protection and show them that there is also
turnover potential in the interior of a flat or house. For this
reason, we’ll be present for the first time in 2018 on the floor.
We’ll create an attractive surface in the entrance area of Hall
7, which provides a good mixture of entertainment and infor-
mation.Trainees will also be welcome at our trade fair stand.
We have a 34-page textbook ‘Privacy and sun protection -
combination of design and function’ for them, which provides
a complete overview of the history of the product range inclu-
technology.Weare pleased to be able to be part of the
success story of the R+T in this way.”
Martin Auerbach, Managing Director ViS
“We’re eagerly looking forward to the industry event in
2018! The development of product innovations for this date
and the actual trade fair planning are already running at
full speed. Consequently, the R+T 2018 is simultaneously an
incentive and motivation in several respects for our whole
team to be able at the end once more to chalk up a great
trade fair appearance and (hopefully) enthusiastic custo-
mers! The last two R+T participations in particular produced
great lasting success for our company, contributing at least
in part to our strong turnover growth: the most important
new products of recent years, such as the pergola awning
Q.bus or our cubic cassette awning Novetta Plus Q, were
each presented at the R+T and began their triumphant
progress from there. In this sense our trade fair visitors can
look forward to what Nova Hüppe conjures up in about 12
Norman Strecker, Managing Director Nova Hüppe
“We are really going to be fascinated to see the develop-
ments in the smart home area up to the R+T 2018. There
will also be new highlights in our HomePilot systems, which
we will continue to develop and expand to an increased
extent in terms of the important aspect of future-proof
design. Apart from this, we would naturally like to conti-
nue to support our partners in skilled handicrafts with our
drive products and individual ideas. Here we are already
working on an exciting marketing concept, which is one of
the things we’ll be unveiling at the 2018 trade fair. Thus, we
once again have several interesting projects in the pipeline
for the R+T.”
Eva Krepstekies, Head of Distribution
Rollladen und Sonnenschutz Rademacher
Nova Hüppe
Trade fair contact
Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH
Messepiazza 1 · 70629 Stuttgart
+49 711 18560-0
Fax: +49 711 18560-2440
R+T Preview
R+T trade fair newspaper for the R+T 2018
Verlagsanstalt Handwerk GmbH
Auf’m Tetelberg 7, 40221 Düsseldorf
Editorial office
Maren Meyerling
Tel. 0234/95391-36
Fax 0234/95391-30
Jenny Schenck
Rheinisch-Bergische Druckerei GmbH
Messe Stuttgart