Different colours and light
transparencies permit the
individual configuration of
the shading - matching every
12 Companies
Controlling daylight
Anyone who wants to make best use of daylight without the risk
being blinded by glare, can rely on heroal LC to be the right solu-
tion. Instead of completely darkening the room, the double-walled
aluminium shutter slats permit individual light control. Every shut-
ter slat can be individually positioned - but segmented darkening
is possible too.This combines the advantages of roller shutters and
exterior blinds in one system.Thanks to the high
wind stability of up to 95 km/h, the shutter slates
only close at wind strength 10 - but continue to
provide protection against glare.
Façade integration
Thanks to its narrow coil diameter, the textile
sun protection heroal VS Z can be integrated in
the façade and is thus unseen. The building is
effectively protected against the sun from out-
side only when it needs to be and this in differ-
ent fabric colours and light transparencies. The
fabrics can be chosen from complete blackout to
light shading - also free of PVC. At heroal, colour
coordination of the facade system with the sun
protection system is no problem thanks to the
in-house coating department.All the advantages
of heroal’s powder coating can be optimally used
in this way. This sun protection is wind-stable
even at great heights - its zip closure system on
the sides ensures grip in the guide rails - even in
the face of storm gusts. Apart from its quick and
easy assembly, the easy availability in the event
of repair is another advantage.
Stylish total blackout
The heroal rs hybrid also creates a snug atmos-
phere with its roller shutter textile combination.
Outside, the aluminium shutter slats provide for the greatest pos-
sible sun protection while on the inside the weather-proof roller
shutter and sun protection system is fitted with a water- and dirt
repellent textile fabric. Apart from the stylish total blackout, it also
provides noise and heat insulation. The system combines the ad-
vantages of roller shutters with the aesthetics of textile fabric.
www.heroal.deSun protection systems of heroal
heroal provides its customers with a comprehensive sun protection programme. The
systems meet different requirements of users and can be combined in any way, as they
prefer: individual light control for glare-free daylight, wind-stable partial shading or
complete blackout.
Arrival and accommodation
Thanks to its location between the airport and motor-
way, the trade fair and congress grounds have a good
traffic infrastructure. Direct connections to the A8, B27,
airport, mass transit S-train system and planned local
and national railway station ensure pleasantly short
journeys to the fairgrounds in the minute range. As a
result, the distances to a large number of overnight
stay options are also short. You can reach Stuttgart’s
city centre in about 20 minutes with the S-train.
Public transport
Messe Stuttgart has ideal public transport connections.
You can reach the fairgrounds conveniently by bus or S-
train. Every admission ticket includes a Stuttgart public
transport ticket.
Long distance buses
Apart from the local public transport buses, a series of
long distance buses travel to Messe Stuttgart.
The fairgrounds are right on the A8 and can be reached
directly by car. There are 8200 parking spaces.
The airport is only 200 m away. You can be at the R+T
in a few minutes.
Stuttgart is directly connected to 13 European capitals
via the railway network (ICE, IC, InterRegio). Stuttgart’s
main central station is in the city centre, about 13 km
from Stuttgart airport and Messe Stuttgart.
You can find additional information about arrivals and
hotel reservations via the following links:
www.rt-expo.com/anfahrt www.rt-expo.com/hotelreservierung