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ThiloWeiermann is the

Managing Director of

the company.

individual scenes and control combinations for several rooms can

be easily set and automated on a PC.Once it has been programmed,

the system takes on the intelligent control of the glare and sun pro-

tection automatically and adjusts itself to the weekly rhythm of the


Controlling the hanging according

to the weather

The DuoFern environmental sensor expands the functions: de-

pending on the weather, it brings the sun protection into the ideal

position and provides rooms and outside areas with shade. If a par-

ticular threshold is reached in the weather data, the sensor passes

on the information wirelessly to the receivers connected. Tempera-

ture, rain, wind strength, sun position, sun height and illumination

strength are measured. For example, in the case of sun from the

south, the southern roller shutters are automatically lowered - even

if the residents are not at home. In the face of strong wind, rain,

freezing or frost, the roller shutters or awnings close automatically

and are reliably protected against fast wear, wetness and other ma-

terial damage. Moreover, in winter the HomePilot lowers the roller

shutters in time when the light begins to fade and in this way pro-

vides for an insulating air buffer in front of the window.

Apart from the sun protection ele-

ments, the HomePilot system in-

terconnects other functions in the

house wirelessly, like lighting, cam-

eras, smoke detectors, heating and

electrical devices. It can be easily inte-

grated in an existing LAN or WLAN

network and can be expanded at any

time. It is controlled via a laptop, PC,

television or mobile devices like tab-

lets and smartphones.

“The ‘old’ is not always worse”

Terrace expert Weinor is back at the R+T. Managing Director

ThiloWeiermann explains in an interview the background to the

decision and provides an insight into the planned trade fair concept.

Companies 11

Mr.Weiermann, after not taking part once,Weinor will once again

attend the R+T in 2018.What was behind this decision?

Thilo Weiermann: To begin with: we are very pleased at once again

to be setting up our stall at the R+T! Two factors were decisive in this

regard. In the first place, the stand location. Messe Stuttgart has of-

fered us an outstanding area in Hall 6 with an optimal environment.

Weinor sees itself as an expert for terraces, which offers its custom-

ers comprehensive system solutions from one source in this


a result, we are at precisely the right place in Hall 6 with our prod-

uct range.

Secondly, we plan a multitude of innovations for 2018. R+T is natu-

rally an ideal forum to present them to our existing customers and

potential new customers.

Does this mean that Weinor is in general going to rely

on trade fairs to an increased extent?

ThiloWeiermann:We initially decided on R+T 2018. But taking part

or not taking part in a trade fair is not a sure fire success. As in all

important decisions, we check precisely what arguments there are

for or against. We already have a lot of other ideas for the time af-

ter February 2018.Whether taking part in the R+T again or at other

trade fairs will then be the preferred method for implementing and

implementing these ideas remains to be seen.

You mentioned a “multitude of innovations.” Could you

let us know a little about them?

ThiloWeiermann: Then there would be no surprise … But I can re-

veal this much: our development department is working flat out.

We will definitely take up and further develop market trends and

demonstrate products that underline our market leadership for

sun and weather protection on terraces in Northern Europe. Apart

from this, we don’t just want to play the‘modern card’, but instead

quite deliberately also present improved traditional products. This

is an important area that our customers demand and which we do

not want to omit at the trade fair. The ‘old’ is not always worse. In

many cases, it has proved itself over

many years and then if necessary re-

quires further development.

Do you already have

an approximate idea

for your stand concept?

Thilo Weiermann: Of course, we’re

still right in the middle of planning

and I can’t say very much about it

specifically. Perhaps this much: we

want to communicate to our cus-

tomers in all areas of the trade fair

appearance that they can rely on

Weinor as a reliable partner that

makes it easy for them to be suc-


want to take a lot of time

for our customers and if necessary

will also make appropriate allow-

ance for this in our stand planning.

Close contact with existing custom-

ers means a lot to us, because we

want to identify additional suitable

product solutions together, which

may not have been used previous-

ly. In this way, our partners can fur-

ther increase their turnover oppor-

tunities with Weinor. And naturally we want to let new customers

know the attractive opportunities they have in cooperating with

Weinor and how they can be successful with us. If we manage this,

taking part in the trade fair will definitely have paid off. In general,

we want to make sure that our visitors leave the stand with an aha-

moment - both in terms of the stand architecture and in terms of

innovations. And I’m sure that we’ll succeed in doing so.


world trade fair is. From

Norway to South Africa

and from South America to

Oceania - the whole world

gets together at the R+T in


Astrid Ehm,

Head of Communications

“It’s particularly pleasant

for me to at last meet me-

dia partners, exhibitors and

visitors at the R+T 2018 in

Stuttgart personally again!

We have organised a lot

in advance together and

it’s always fantastic if one

can celebrate the success-

ful implementation on the

spot with each other. In

addition, I value the how

international the leading

Messe Stuttgart