R+T Asia has become the
leading trade fair in China.
6 R+T International
R+T Asia
R+T Asia debuted in 2005. It is organised by Messe Stuttgart
International in cooperation with VNU Exhibitions Asia, Ltd.
and takes place once a year in SNIEC - Shanghai New Inter-
national Expo Centre. R+T Asia has developed into the lead-
ing trade fair in China in the last twelve years, since its trade fair
portfolio continues to be unique on the Chinese market. Ro-
land Bleinroth, managing director of Messe Stuttgart, Germa-
ny, after the last R+T Asia:“It’s once again clear that exporting
the R+T to China as well was the
right strategy, because the overall
Asian market has a great need for
roller shutter systems, doors, gates
and sun protection concepts.”An-
other advantage of the R+T Asia
is that the DOMOTEX asia/CHI-
NAFLOOR takes place simul-
taneously, which is regarded as
the leading trade fair in the Asian
market for flooring of all types.
The organisers here are VNU Ex-
hibitions Asia, Ltd. in cooperation
with Deutsche Messe AG.
At the R+T Asia 2016 45000 m
exhibition area was occupied in a
total of four halls. Of these, 37 557
was occupied by 412 national
exhibitors with 74 international
companies being represented on
7 443 m
. Among the 27 088 trade
visitors, 20 236 were national visi-
tors and 6 852 came from abroad.
Present throughout the world
The R+T in Stuttgart has successful subsidiary trade fairs in Shanghai, Istanbul and
São Paulo. The R+T Asia and R+T Turkey have already become firmly established lo-
cally and the development of R+T South America is also highly promising. You can of
course obtain detailed information on the individual trade fairs at the R+T Interna-
tional Forum at the R+T 2018 in Stuttgart.
Compared to R+T Asia 2015, the foreign share of visitors increased
by almost 29 percent. Roller shutter and sun protection solutions
enjoyed especial attention, but the demand for doors and gates
also rose significantly. Gratifyingly, 97 percent of visitors rated R+T
Asia in a survey as“very good”or“good.”Of the visitors, 90 percent
stated that they would recommend the trade fair to industry col-
leagues and 81 percent wanted to return in 2017 too.
The next R+T Asia will take place from 21 to 23 March 2017 in the
SNIEC. Products and services of the roller shutter, gate/door and
sun protection industry will be presented in four halls. Currently,
95 percent of the area is occupied with international industry rep-
resentatives such as Hörmann, Nice, Glen Raven, Wintec, Dallan,
Kirayteks and Building Plastics having already reserved exhibition
area.Trade visitors can also look forward to the German Pavilion at
the R+T Asia 2017 - the official German participation in the trade
fair - which German companies like to use to expand their contacts
in the Asia-Pacific region.
Furthermore, numerous supporting events take parallel to R+T
Asia every year, such as those for networking, special exhibitions
and trade conferences. For example, international sun protection,
gate and door experts will also be speaking in 2017 at the“IWDS -
InternationalWindow and Door Summit.”The intensive exchanges
in the context of the supporting programme are intended to con-
tribute to cooperative ventures between Chinese and international
companies being renewed or reinforced.
You can register online to attend R+T Asia without any problems
in less than five minutes:
http://rtasia.org/en/-visitor-pre-registra-tion. Incidentally, one trip to the R+T Asia will be raffled for all visi-
tors who register in advance online. The terms and conditions for
participation are shown during online registration. It’s worth hav-
ing a look!
www.rtasia.orgMesse Stuttgart
project team. I like the big
picture: the industry is like
a family and I very much
look forward to seeing
everyone again in Stutt-
gart when the world gets
together here to unveil the
latest innovations.”
Manuela Keller,
Senior Project Manager
R+T International
“I have been looking after
the foreign subsidiaries of
R+T since 2009 and since
2015 I have also been ac-
tively involved in the R+T
in Stuttgart. I greatly enjoy
building bridges between
international clients, trade
associations, our repre-
sentatives abroad and the
Messe Stuttgart