Thanks to the new
construction of another
hall, it was possible to
optimise the concept of
the trade fair and adapt it
even better to the needs
of the market.
4 Welcome
exhibitors: for example, the Oskar Lapp Hall (Hall 6) will become
a ‘Mecca’ for the gastronomy and hotel sector. In this way the
outdoor living area will be provided with a suitable presentation
area to do justice to market demands. The
segment for‘outdoor living area extension’
is after all becoming increasingly impor-
tant in the industry.
Apart from the classic R+T visitors, this
concept will in addition appeal to deci-
sion-makers involved in investing in and
expanding restaurant areas. Familiar in-
dustry players along with numerous inter-
national exhibitors have already been re-
cruited and they will play a decisive role
in helping to shape the appearance of the
hall in terms of the new concept through
their trade fair appearances at R+T 2018.
Trends and topics
Of course, you can once again expect to find a coherent overall
concept related to roller shutters,
doors/gates and sun protection
systems at R+T 2018. The build-
ing efficiency section will play a
big role in the upcoming edition
of the leading world trade fair and
the products and services present-
ed will have no problem in match-
ing international standards. Apart
from the systems themselves,
which are always in line with the
state of the art, automation is be-
coming increasingly prominent.
And this for good reason: after all,
intelligent control systems are in-
dispensable if what counts is re-
ally efficient use of sun protection
and gate systems. It is long since
no longer just a question of pro-
tecting rooms against overheat-
ing from excessive insolation and as a result reducing the use
of air conditioning systems. The sun’s heat must also be used
precisely when it is needed in the cold months in order to use it
to save heating energy. The same applies
to the optimal exploitation of the natural
daylight, which saves the use of artificial
light and in this way also conserves nat-
ural resources. Employment of the corre-
sponding controls for doors also ensures
that the loss of energy is reduced around
where they are in use. Hence, on balance
the industry is continuing to make pro-
gress in establishing itself as a true energy
saving expert, since thanks to the innova-
tive products, it is possible to cover a wid-
er range than almost anywhere else.
The focus on safety will be equally com-
prehensive. Among other things, this will
also apply to gates and doors, which the
industry has concentrated on for years, along with energy effi-
ciency. Furthermore, burglary protection is growing in impor-
tance, due to the increasing numbers of burglaries. Apart from
the modern sun protection and door systems, whose character-
istics guarantee maximum security, automation plays a promi-
nent role here too. Clever smart home solutions ensure that resi-
dents’presence is simulated and trigger an alarm in emergencies.
And this not just in the event of break-ins, but also in the event
of weather changes, etc., producing a fully coherent security con-
cept for the building.
In addition to the technical innovations, design will naturally also
play an important role at the R+T 2018. Irrespective of whether
sun protection or door/gate solutions: the systems are all impres-
sive and provide almost limitless versatility regarding optical de-
sign options. The new awning cloth collection will be presented
just in time for the leading world trade fair. Apart from its high
quality, it will above all delight with its range of colours and de-
signs. As a result, you will be able to acquire an overview of what
could inspire your customers in the coming main awning season.
The same applies both to internal privacy and sun protection: a
multitude of companies will demonstrate how their products can
create atmosphere in rooms.
“At the R+T in
Stuttgart industry
experts get together
to talk shop in the
interests of successful
joint operation on
the market.”
Sebastian Schmid,
Department Head
“I’m delighted that the exhibitors
have responded so well to our op-
timised hall concept. I’m sure the
visitors will be just as pleased with
it and look forward to making a
success of the leading world trade
fair with the exhibitors and R+T
project team, which always has its
ear to the ground in the market!“
Messe Stuttgart
fair stands at which many
visitors will feel welcome
and get valuable input for
their daily business!“
Ina Fröhlich,
Project Advisor
“Only a little over a year to
go and the next R+T will at
last start! We already can’t
wait for the kick-off and I’m
especially looking forward
to witnessing the result of
the fantastic cooperation
between the exhibitors and
ourselves: impressive trade
Messe Stuttgart