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Associations 17

Construction as a human cultural achievement requires science, re-

search and experience. This in particular applies to construction el-

ements such as windows, doors, gates or façades, because these are

technically and architecturally sophisticated components that en-

dow buildings with form, character and functionality. ift Rosenhe-

im has now been conducting research and testing into the function,

suitability for use, safety and quality of building elements and all the

accessory materials required for 50 years.

Then as now it is true that only honest, independent and expert in-

spection improve safety and quality.This is why over 200 employees

fromdifferent subject areas work on practical and efficient solutions

at ift Rosenheim to make construction products more environmen-

tally friendly, convenient and safer. Its core skills also include re-

search as the motor of technical progress and a source of techno-

logical advantages.

The testing expertise of the ift Rosenheim and cooperation in 100

standardisation committees provides manufacturers, planners,

building owners and users with the certainty that all parameters

and proof identified comply 100 percent with technical standards

and are technically correct.

Reasonable quality

Quality is relative and begins with the definition and comprehensi-

ble description of the performance desired.When analysing build-

ing damage, defects and complaints, the negative consequences

are obvious if this task was not properly executed. Consequent-

ly, ift Rosenheim develops reasonable quality standards together

with manufacturers, institutions and authorities to provide con-

ift Rosenheim

All services from one source in the interests of quality - this has been the philosophy of the scientific

services provider and testing institute ift Rosenheim since the institute was established in 1966.

Comprehensive testing and evaluation of products means the sum total of all properties and their

balanced interplay being evaluated in order to improve quality, suitability for use and service life.

sumers with appropriate and afford-

able product quality.

Many small individual components

must work together to ensure that

buildings work. For example, the fail-

ure of a screwed connection can re-

sult in the failure of a construction

element. Many years of experience,

the holistic consideration of building

components and building materials

and comprehensive test options pro-

vide ideal conditions for the realistic

and accurate evaluation of structures,

materials and function.

For example, the CE marking pre-

scribed in Europe only provides for

a non-recurrent type test (TT) on a

sample, normally an optimised pro-

totype. The manufacturer alone is

responsible for ensuring that these

identified properties are also present

in the series product and after assem-

bly on the building site. Therefore,

quality monitoring has to be more

than checking minimum normative

and statutory standards.This is why he quality seal of the ift Rosen-

heim always also involves regular inspection on the spot in pro-

duction or assembly.

Over 200 engineers, scientists and construction

craftspeople as well as business people, marketing ex-

perts, graduates and translators work at ift Rosenheim.

ift Rosenheim

Verena Friedrich,

Senior Project Head

“I’m responsible for stand

construction and associated

services and will be taking

care of the exhibitors at the

upcoming R+T 2018 for the

fourth time. I very much ap-

preciate the direct interac-

tion with the exhibitors and

stand construction partners

and can already promise

that there will once again

be many creative stand con-

cepts to be seen at the lea-

ding world trade fair.”

Messe Stuttgart

The ITRS (Industry Association Technical Textiles-Roller Shutters-

Sun Protection) can look back on a long history: in 1935 companies

from the sack and jute industry united as the trade sub-group sack

and tarpaulin production of the national bast fibre industry trade

group. In 1950 they established the Verband Deutscher Sack- und

Segeltuchwarenfabriken e.V. based in Dusseldorf. After it had been

renamed in 1966 as Bundesverband Kunststoff- und Schwergewe-

beindustrie e.V., it became the Bundesverband Konfektion Technis-

cher Textilien e.V. in 1997 and in 2009 the current ITRS e.V.

Currently about 170 companies are organised in eight trade groups:

construction technology with textile architecture, digital print-

ing and textile advertising technology, IV RSA - industry associa-

tion roller shutter-sun protection automation, sack and jute prod-

uct, interior sun protection, textile surfaces, transport and protection

technology and tent leasing. In addition, our members include man-

ITRS – Industrial Association for

Technical Textiles, Roller Shutters and

Sun Protection

ufacturers of fibres, garn, accessories, scaffolds, frames, welding ma-

chinery, paints, varnishes, films and companies from the weaving

and coating sectors.Various work groups in addition deal with cur-

rent subjects like objections to standardisation projects, the imple-

mentation of standards, preparation of guidelines and recommen-

dations and market data.

We represent the interests of the association vis-à-vis authorities and

institutions at the national and European level.This also includes our

successful, targeted publicity work, including the political sphere.

The fields of training and further education were outsourced to the

support association KTex e.V. in 1997. The vocational profile of the

association is derived from technical production. Originally devel-

oped as the training profession tent maker, it was renamed in 1981

as plastic and heavy fabric producer, while the current technical pro-

ducer is an officially recognised training profession with a three-year

training period. Further training as industry master textile business,

specialisation technical production, is possible. The support associa-

tion organises further training for semi- and unskilled staff at irregu-

lar intervals in the member companies. Thus specialised instruction

is guaranteed.