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Puristisch, modern, zeitlos

– so wirkt die Kassettenmarkise art_01.

Der Grund: Für den Betrachter sind weder Halterungen noch

Befestigungsschrauben sichtbar.

Besuchen Sie uns auf der R+T 2015 in Stuttgart, Halle 5 Stand B 71.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

MHZ Hachtel GmbH & Co KG

Sindelfinger Straße 21 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen

MHZ KassettenMarKise art_01


Anspruchvolle Ästhetik

Messe – das ist wichtig, um

einen umfassenden Eindruck

von den Produkten zu erhal-

ten. Diesen kann das Internet

nicht vermitteln.

Sebastian Schmid: Gibt es



die Ihnen besonders im Ge-

dächtnis geblieben ist bzw.

die Ihrer Meinung nach den

Markt und damit auchHand-

werksunternehmen wie das

Ihre maßgeblich beeinflusst


Hans-Dieter Schröder: Ein



schritt war die Einführung

der Rohrmotoren. Dadurch

ist die Automatisierung der

Rollladen erheblich einfacher

und preiswerter geworden:

Eine Innovation, die natürlich

auch Auswirkungen auf un-

ser Unternehmen hatte.

Sebastian Schmid:Wo sehen

Sie die Zukunft der R+T?Wel-

che Potenziale birgt die Mes-

se aus Ihrer Sicht?

Hans-Dieter Schröder:


uns ist die Aussteller-Vielfalt

in den einzelnen Bereichen

der Branchen maßgeblich,

denn sie eröffnet uns als Be-

sucher detaillierteVergleichs-

möglichkeiten, die für un-

ser alltägliches Geschäft von

wichtiger Bedeutung sind.

Obwohl sich für 2015 leider

einige Aussteller zurückge-

zogen haben und zunächst

abwarten wollen, ob sie sich

2018 wieder an der Mes-

se beteiligen, hat die R+T als

Weltleitmesse auch zukünftig

einen festen Platz imTermin-





Schröder, vielen Dank für das

Gespräch. Wir wünschen Ih-

nen für die R+T 2015 erneut

wertvolle Impulse!

Hans-Dieter Schröder, win-

dow construction contrac-

tor and managing director of

Hans-Dieter Schröder GmbH,

Bünde, is one of the R+T’s

most loyal visitors. He has

been accompanying the fair

since 1965, which in the past

fifty years has gone from be-

ing a regional product exhibi-

tion to the leading world fair

for roller shutter, gates/doors

and sun protection. The pro-

ject manager of the R+T, Se-

bastian Schmid, spoke to him

about his impressions, memo-

ries and the future prospects

of the R+T.

Sebastian Schmid: You have

been attending the R+T wi-

thout a break since 1965.

What in your view distingu-

ishes the trade fair?

Hans-Dieter Schröder: What I

like about the R+T is the clear

overview of the products. The

halls have specific subdivi-

sions. As a result, it’s possible

to draw attention to the prod-

ucts of manufacturers you’ve

not yet worked with. Above all

up to the eighties and nineties

this was an important crite-

rion behind our attendance of

the trade fair: without the pos-

sibilities that exist today with

the Internet it was hard work

outside the fair to find match-

ing suppliers. Consequently, it

wasn’t unusual to remove the

company addresses from all

supplies, to prevent the com-

petition getting any access

to them. At the trade fair we

could, and still can, get into

contact with the exhibitors

without any obstacles. Usual-

ly the companies also invite us

out in the evening after the fair

and we meet representatives

and colleagues to talk shop.

Sebastian Schmid: What was

the decisive factor for you as

a skilled craft company to at-

tend the R65 in 1965? What

was your summary after your

first trade fair visit?

Hans-Dieter Schröder:

Sales representatives drew

our attention to the R65 and

we were invited by them to

Stuttgart – at that time still

on Killesberg. The R65 was ini-

tially a success for us, because

we were able to pick up a lot of


could look at numer-

ous products and solutions in

detail, which in itself was al-

ready a valuable inspiration for


Sebastian Schmid: What cri-

teria inspired you to remain

true to the R+T in the fol-

lowing years as a visitor too?

Hans-Dieter Schröder:

Fo r

us the decisive factor was the

necessity of keeping up with

the latest developments at

all times. In addition, it was of

course of important to know

what trends and innovations

were dominating and influenc-

ing the market. For example, at

the first fairs we were very in-

terested in the machines for

processing roller shutters – es-

pecially the ones used for the

processing of the roller shutter

chain profiles. In the end, we

bought these machines too.

Sebastian Schmid: What is

the significance of the R+T

for the roller shutter, gates/

doors and sun protection in-

dustry? How does it differ

fromother trade fairs?

Hans-Dieter Schröder:

The R+T is a very good way of

getting a complete overview

of the industries. Presentation

is at the same time very im-

portant: the articles are not

presented as expertly at other

trade fairs as is the case at the


Sebastian Schmid: How do

you assess the supporting

programme of the R+T?

What events do you make

use of/particularly apprecia-

te and why?

Hans-Dieter Schröder:

Unfortunately, up to now,

due to our busy schedule, we

haven’t been able to take part

in the supporting programme.

Sebastian Schmid: To what

extent is what is on offer at

the R+T of special interest to


Hans-Dieter Schröder:

Cultivating contacts is very im-

portant to us. At the R+T it’s

possible to get to know peo-

ple personally with whom you

were already in contact in day-

to-day business. For example,

we oftenmeet office staff here.

A lot of things can be clarified

faster and better in this direct

way than for example on the

phone and by e-mail. Com-

plaints, prices and the like can

be discussed and negotiated

more easily. I’ve acquired very

good personal contact to sev-

eral people via the R+T.

Sebastian Schmid: What do

you expect from the R+T 2015

and the associated 50th an-


Hans-Dieter Schröder:

A s

we learnt from the first reports

in the press, there will be even

more exhibitors present at the

R+T 2015 than at the last fair in

2012. We’re particularly look-

ing forward to the exhibitor

evening on the occasion of this

year’s anniversary to which

we’ve been personally invited

by the Messe Stuttgart.

Sebastian Schmid:What was

your experience of the de-

velopment of the R+T from

the trade specific roller shut-

ter exhibition to the lea-

ding world trade fair for rol-

ler shutters, gates/doors and

sun protection?

Hans-Dieter Schröder: For us

as a skilled craft company the

foreign companies are admit-

tedly only of limited interest.

Irrespective of this, the rising

number of exhibitors who

came and come to the R+T

is a genuine enrichment: the

visitors and trade fair benefit

from the attractive attend-

ance. The move to the new

fairgrounds in 2009 was es-

pecially advantageous.

Sebastian Schmid: Since

1965 not just the technolo-

gies, but also themedia have

changed. The Internet has

opened up a huge provision

of information, which can be

conveniently accessed from

your own computer. What

in your opinion is the reason

that the R+T is still such an

important event for the in-

dustry in this period?

Hans-Dieter Schröder: Today

many novelties and informa-

tion no longer reach us just

by post, but also electronically

by e-mail. This is good in that

the flow of information works

faster than twenty years ago.

Moreover, we can choose in

advance what innovations

interest us. We then form a

real picture of the develop-

ments at the trade fair – this

is important to get a com-

prehensive impression of the

products. The Internet cannot

convey this.

Sebastian Schmid: Is the-

re a product innovation you

remember in particular or

which in your opinion decis-

ively influenced the market

and as a result also skilled

craft companies like yours?

Hans-Dieter Schröder: The in-

troduction of the tubular mo-

tors was an important step

forwards. As a result, the au-

tomation of roller shutters

has become much simpler and

cheaper. An innovation that

naturally affected our compa-

ny too.

Sebastian Schmid: Where

do you see the future of the

R+T?What potential does the

trade fair have in our view?

Hans-Dieter Schröder: The di-

versity of exhibitors in the indi-

vidual areas of the industries is

decisive for us, because attend-

ing it opens up possibilities for

detailed comparisons, which

are of great importance to our

daily business. Although sever-

al exhibitors have unfortunate-

ly withdrawn for 2015 and first

want to wait and see whether

they take part in the trade fair

again, the R+T will have a per-

manent place in our diary in


Sebastian Schmid: Mr Schrö-

der, thank you very much for

talking to us. We hope the

R+T 2015 once again provides

youwithvaluable inspiration!