Rob Lewis wurde zum neuen
Managing Director von Avire,
Branchenspezialist für Auf-
zugsicherheit und Kommuni-
kation, ernannt.Vor Avire war
Rob Lewis in den letzten sechs
Jahren als Managing Director
bei einem Tochterunterneh-
men von Halma, Fortress In-
terlocks, tätig. Aus dieser Zeit
kann er auf eine hervorragen-
de Bilanz in Umsatzwachs-
tum und Produktinnovation
zurückzublicken. Rob Lewis
studierte Maschinenbau an
der Universität Cambridge
und er verfügt über einen
MBA der London Business
School. Bevor er zu Halma
kam, arbeitete er 11 Jahre
bei GKN in verschiedenen
operativen und standortbezo-
genen Führungspositionen in
den Sparten Automotive und
www.avire-global.com/deNewmanaging director
Rob Lewis has been appointed
the new managing director of
Avire, the industry specialist for
lift safety and communication.
Before Avire Rob Lewis worked
as managing director for the last
six years at a subsidiary of Halma,
Fortress Interlocks. He can point
to an outstanding record in terms
of turnover growth and product
innovation during this period.
Rob Lewis studied mechanical
engineering at the University of
Cambridge and has anMBA from
the London Business School.
Before joining Halma he worked
for 11 years at GKN in various op-
erational and local management
positions in the automotive and
aerospace divisions.
www.avire-global.com/deNeuer Managing Director
seiner Laufbahn verbrachte
er zehn Jahre bei Ford in ver-
schiedenen Positionen in ganz
Europa und den Vereinigten
Staaten. Ahmet Kanbolat hat
zwei Ingenieur-Abschlüsse
und absolvierte im Jahr 2013
erfolgreich das Stanford Busi-
ness Executive Programm.
Derzeit ist Kanbolat in Istan-
bul, Türkei, ansässig und für
das Eurasien-Geschäft sowie
das Tagesgeschäft und die
organisatorische Entwicklung
bei Wittur Türkei zuständig.
www.wittur.deNewManaging Director
Ahmet Kanbolat joined theWittur
Group in April 2016 as Manag-
ing Director for Eurasia Member
of the Executive Management
Team. Before joining the Wittur
Group, Ahmet held a number
of senior leadership roles, more
recently as General Manager
for Kocaer Haddecilik and prior
to this as General Manager and
Member of the Board for Olgun
Celik, an automotive supplier in
Izmir, Turkey. Earlier in his career
he spent ten years with Ford in
various roles throughout Europe
and the US. Ahmet holds two
degrees in Engineering and suc-
cessfully completed the Stanford
Business Executive Program in
2013. Currently Ahmet is located
in Istanbul,Turkey and is in charge
of the business in Eurasia as well
as of daily operations and organi-
zational developments within
Wittur Turkey.
www.wittur.deRob Lewis
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