Unternehmen /
Die Funktechnologie ermöglicht eine drahtlose Bedienung.
The radio technology permits wireless operation.
the slatted curtain to best ad-
vantage. Here the eye-catcher
is not just the slatted curtain,
but also the rail. The overall
picture is rounded off by the
new wall bracket and operat-
ing components. All coordi-
Comfort operation
Since 1 September 2014 the EU
standard 13120 on the subject
of child safety has been sup-
plemented with internal priva-
cy and sun protection products.
The tensioned systems and
productswithTeba comfort op-
eration have always met these
requirements. Some are fitted
with sophisticated technology,
which manages without loops,
cords or chains – others do not
have the operating elements
anywhere in the range of chil-
Small children cannot reach
the user-friendly comfort op-
eration systems, like LiteRise,
SmartCord and electrical oper-
ation from the floor. Panel cur-
tains and tensioned systems
are likewise operated without
cords and chains. As a result,
these intelligent operating sys-
tems are not just convenient
- Topfix
• Beschränkt die Sonneneinstrahlung
bei Lichtbändern, Oberlichtern und
• Unübertroffene Tuchspannung dank
einer Kombination von der Fixscreen-
Technologie mit einer revolutionären
• Garantie bis zu extremen
Windgeschwindigkeiten von 120 km/h
• Kompakte Kassette
• Diskrete Top- oder Bottom-Montage
• Flächen bis 30 m² in einem Teil
Windfest in jeder Position!
24/02 - 28/02/2015
Halle 5 - Stand C72
R+T_messezeitung_27_februar_230x155.indd 1
2/02/15 13:34
and innovative – but also child-
Teba has developed – exclu-
sively – new operating ele-
ments for cord and chain-oper-
ated sun protection products,
which help to attach these
products elegantly and at the
same time in a child-friendly
manner. From chain-/cord ten-
sioner and cord winder to cord
collector. To create a uniform
appearance, Teba has in addi-
tion developed a turning but-
ton and tassel in the same de-
sign. The operating elements
are available in two attractive
colours. Anthracite and white.
Top flight living comfort
Privacy and sun protection
solutions can be reliably au-
tomated with drive and con-
trol components. Connection
to the building automation
is possible too. The RTS radio
technology provides a wide va-
riety of functions and permits
choosing a customised control
solution, exactly adapted to
the customer’s preferences.
Teba offers theWireFree motor
concept fromSomfy for electric
operation of interior sun pro-
tection. The radio technology
permits wireless operation.The
power supply is guaranteed by
lithium batteries or recharge-
able batteries – without mains
connection. Charging with so-
lar energy is especially energy-
saving. The narrow solar panel
measuring 3.5 x 30 cm is glued
to the window pane and inte-
grates itself discreetly in the
overall appearance.
Motorising Venetian blinds,
folded blinds, Roman blinds
and roller blinds is child’s play
with the new battery-operat-
ed drive solution WireFree. The
special advantage is the low in-
stallation costs and fast instal-
lation. Laying cables, dirt and
renovation effort are things
of the past. Teba has even un-
veiled a profile technology of
its own development with bat-
tery compartment for the roller
Unique mixture of roller
shutter and Venetian blind
Perfect view and maximum
security: the multi-functional
and exclusive CeGeDe roller
shutter Venetian blind RoJa 61
combines the advantages of
roller shutters and Venetian
blind in a system with which
it is not just possible to con-
trol light conveniently. The all-
rounder also regulates the
room climate, protects against
heat, cold, noise and makes it
harder for uninvited guests
to peer into or penetrate into
roomwhen closed as well as in
Venetian blind position – cer-
tified according to the guide-
lines of the BVRS. It can be
closed, opened or moved to the
Venetian blind position at the
push of a button from any po-
Made of extremely high quali-
tymaterials in the finest finish-
ing, the elegant roller shutter
Venetian blind RoJa 61 provides
a perfect view and maximum
security. The extruded alumin-
ium hollow body slats are very
strong. The profiles interlock
perfectly and close thewindow
surface almost hermetically.
CeGeDe provides certification
courses for this exclusive RoJa
product. Specialist dealers re-
ceive a mass of information,
e.g. tips on sales talks, deter-
mining the technical feasibility
or assembly assistance under
expert guidance.
www.cegede.de www.teba.deHall 7, Stand A62