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R+T Stuttgart | 24. - 28. Februar 2015 | Halle 5 Stand A 32
R+T aktuell /
Messe Stuttgart
systemen, Produzenten von
technischen Textilien, Her-
steller vonToren, Zäunen und
Gittern sowie Sicherheitsein-
richtungen und Zugangskon-
trollsystemen, aber auch an
Hersteller von Komponenten
wie Antriebs- und Kontroll-
systemen, Sensoren, Profilen
oder Stoffen. Ergänzend prä-
sentiert die Messe Anbieter
von Maschinen zur Kompo-
nentenherstellung und Mon-
tage von Endprodukten.
Brasilien ist für die Roll-
laden, Tore und Sonnen-
schutz-Branche ein Wachs-
tumsmarkt, insbesondere in
den Segmenten Gebäudesi-
cherheit und Gebäudeauto-
mation. Die durchschnittli-
che Wachstumsrate der R+T
Branche in Brasilien beträgt
25 bis 30 Prozent pro Jahr.
2013 lag der Umsatz bei 1,8
Mrd. Euro.
Messe Stuttgart is organis-
ing the first R+T South Amer-
ica for next year. The spin-off
of the Stuttgart-based lead-
ing world trade fair for roller
shutters, doors/gates and sun
protection takes place in 2016
(8-11 June) in the Transamer-
ica ExpoCenter in Sao Paulo,
Brazil - parallel to the „Glass
South America“ trade fair
which is firmly established
in the South-American mar-
ket. The trade fair for glass
processing, glass technology
and glass design is one of the
most important trade fairs in
Latin America.
Messe Stuttgart‘s partner in
Brazil is NurembergMesse
Brazil, a wholly-owned subsid-
iary of Messe Nuremberg. It is
the largest foreign trade fair
organiser in Brazil. R+T South
America is supported by the
Brazilian Association for Cur-
tains and Venetian Blinds
(ABRAPE). It will be the first
trade fair for the Brazilian roll-
er shutters, doors/gates and
sun protection market.
„Up to now, South America
has been a blank spot on the
Stuttgart trade fair landscape.
This gap is now being closed
with R+T South America“,
states Ulrich Kromer, Presi-
dent/CEO of Messe Stuttgart.
What is significant is the fact
that two trade fair companies,
who compete against each
other for domestic business,
are cooperating on an interna-
tional level. „This cooperation
is good and in the interest of
the German economy. We of-
Die R+T South America findet in Kooperation mit Glass South America statt.
R+T South America will take place in cooperation with Glass South America.
fer international exhibitors a
platform to present their lat-
est products and technologies
to new customers in a prom-
ising market. For this purpose,
we concentrate our event and
industry expertise and know-
how“, states Kromer.
R+T South America is aimed at
roller shutter manufacturers,
of external and internal sun
protection systems, producers
of technical textiles, manu-
facturers of doors/gates, fenc-
es and grilles/screens, as well
as security equipment and ac-
cess control systems, but also
at manufacturers of compo-
nents such as drive and con-
trol systems, sensors, sections
or materials. In addition, the
trade fair presents providers
of machines for the compo-
nent manufacture and instal-
lation of end products.
Brazil is a growth market for
the roller shutters, doors/
gates and sun protection in-
dustry, particularly in the seg-
ments building security and
building automation. The av-
erage growth rate of the R+T
industry in Brazil is 25 – 30%
per year (sales in 2013: 1.8 bil-
lion euro).