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EFAFLEX Tor- und Sicherheitssysteme GmbH & Co. KG · D-84079 Bruckberg · Fliederstraße 14 · Telefon 08765 82-0 ·
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EFAFLEX bestechen durch Zuverlässigkeit, höchste Qualität,
Wirtschaftlichkeit und überlegene Schnelligkeit. Steigern Sie die
Effizienz Ihrer Logistik.
our sales, but instead on the
side of the energy-savers. We
still have 50 to 70 years to
achieve fossil fuel independ-
ence. We need 47% of these
fuels in our buildings for heat-
ing and cooling. Contribut-
ing to sustainability and CO2
reduction with our products
and not just seeing them as
an aesthetic enhancement of
the home is a way of think-
ing we are gradually coming
to understand and imple-
ment. This requires time, but
we’re making good progress.
These days the energy ef-
ficiency of sun protection
products plays an important
role for end customers. Spe-
cialist dealers are confronted
by this daily. The awareness
that effective sun protection
improves the energy balance
sheet of residential space has
already become firmly estab-
lished among end custom-
ers. Energy-friendly change
not only applies to the use
of ecological energy sources,
but also to effective energy
saving. The importance of
this and opportunity for the
sun protection industry lie in
developing the added value
advantages of sun protection.
Particularly in the case of our
high quality and long-lasting
sun protection products, the
use of synergy effects is an
important sales argument.
Assuming climate protec-
tion is no longer a foreign
concept to the majority of the
population and global warm-
ing and its consequences
have set us all thinking, then
we ought to be open to new
ideas and ready for change.
This is particularly true if the
use of interior sun protection
products involves the energy
saving possibilities that pro-
duce financial advantages.
It’s up to the specialist trade
to recognise this potential ex-
ploit the opportunities.
What distinguishes Duette?
The window is the energy
bride number one: in summer
too much energy gets in, in
winter we can use solar en-
ergy inputs during the day and
in the winter night we have
to keep energy inside. Room
plissees are by far the best
temporary thermal insulat-
ing systems currently on the
market thanks to the enclosed
air pockets. Duette’s effect is
similar to 25 mm thick ther-
mal insulation panels made
of polystyrene or Styrodur, it
looks great and if necessary,
it can easily be pulled up with
the operating cord. With this
effect Duette is the core of our
task for sustainability.
As a provider of interior sun
protection products like plis-
sees, we strive to offer our cus-
tomers the greatest possible
diversity and the best quality
on the market at a reasonable
price. Here Duette is not only
distinguished by a great varie-
ty in colours and patterns, but
offers energy saving effects
too. Another argument is the
room noise reduction, which
particularly in large rooms
leads to improved intelligibil-
ity. Hence Duette combines
effective sun protection with
energy saving and room noise
reduction – you cannot find a
better product on the market.
Apart from the decorative
aspect, it is the above average
added value that distinguish-
es Duette.
Aside from invisible cord guid-
ance, evenly running folds,
optimal darkening and its
contribution to better room
acoustics, Duette is also a real
energy wonder – with up to
12% heating cost savings and
a reduction of up to 78% of
heat absorption at windows in
Duette, the original, has been
tested in comprehensive tests
by the Fraunhofer Institute
IBP. This is very important for
us, since these results can be
tested. For example, physical
parameters exist for Duette,
which can be integrated in
building physics calculations
and as a result become part of
the building’s energy-friendly
How have you realised this
topic on the market?
We have sales docu-
ments and brochures as well
as campaigns with billboards,
window decoration and in-
formation material, which we
provide to our dealers. We co-
operate in the preparation of
valid data in the correspond-
ing committees. Apart from
the economics, this also has
a deeply ethical background.
This is why we have made an
intensive commitment.
We devoted ourselves long
ago to the added values that
our products offer, apart from
protection against the sun’s
radiation. Precisely as a result
of this commitment, we have
been able to develop into
one of the biggest full range
providers on the German sun
protection market. Apart from
excellent product quality, the
subject of energy efficiency
of sun protection is one of
our main concerns. It is not
just the outstanding product
characteristics that ensure ef-
ficient sun protection. Moreo-
ver, sophisticated control
systems boost effectiveness
many times over. These sys-
tems have great energy saving
We support specialist deal-
ers with persuasive advertis-
ing, such as brochures, ban-
ners and posters, with special
notes in our collection boxes
or as a major theme in our cus-
tomer seminars. Our specialist
advisers on the spot at trade
outlets also make a great in-
formation contribution.
Energy efficiency through in-
terior sun protection is an ev-
ergreen, which is taken into
account in our PR work, but
also in cooperation the VIS As-
sociation, in trade and general
as well as digital media.
Hall 5, Stand C71
Hall 5, Stand B12
www.teba.de,Hall 7, Stand A62
Hall 7, Stand C32