Neuheiten /
Sonne. Licht. WAREMA.
Funktion und Design im Ein
klang, das ist Sonnenschutz mit
Zukunft. Raumklima und Ambi
ente sind gleichermaßen wich
tig – eben ein Sonnenschutz,
der immer passt.
Susanne Y.
Unsere Produkte sind so individuell wie Sie! Vom Rollo bis zum Flächenvorhang – WAREMA bietet Ihnen Sonnenschutz
und Steuerungssysteme in innovativem Design und zeitloser Qualität. Wir sind europäischer Marktführer – nicht zuletzt
dank energieeffizienter Komplettlösungen und maßgeschneidertem Service.
WAREMA Renkhoff SE info@warema.deBesuchen Sie uns am
Stand B32 in Halle 3.
R+T 2012
Messe Stuttgart
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03.02.12 14:27
Trevira Fasern und Fila
mentgarne mit Schmelz
faseranteil sind heute ein
fester Bestandteil die
ser Einsatzgebiete. Im Fi
lamentbereich wird das
Garnsortiment nun durch
feinere Garntiter ergänzt,
sowohl durch feinere tex
turierte Varianten als auch
erstmals durch ein Glatt
garn. Speziell durch Letz
teres lassen sich völlig neue
und besonders clean wir
kende Stoffe erzielen. Ge
rade im Bereich des innen
liegenden Sonnenschutzes
sind diese sehr texturlosen
Optiken oft gewünscht.
Während die Schmelzfa
sergarne bisher vorwie
gend im Bereich Weberei
zum Einsatz kamen, finden
sich durch die neuen feine
ren Titer auch Möglichkei
ten in der Herstellung von
versteiften Stoffen auf Basis
Daraus ergeben sich gestal
terisch neue Möglichkeiten
für Sonnenschutztextilien.
www.trevira.comHalle 1, Stand H12
At this year’s R+T fibre manu-
facturer Trevira is presenting
the opportunities offered to
interior sun protection by its
range of polyester fibres and
filament yarns. These include
flame retardant fibres and
yarns, as well as hybrid yarns
for the manufacture of stiff-
ened textiles.
Bicomponent yarns have spe-
cial properties that make a
variety of applications and de-
sign variants possible and are
therefore the ideal basis mate-
rial for innovative sunscreen
textiles. Trevira NSK (niedrig
schmelzende Komponente =
low melt component) is a mo-
dified polyester, from which
hybrid yarns can be made in
combination with flame retard-
ant yarns. Trevira CS textiles
made in this way are used in
the contract sector.
The low melt component caus-
es the material to stiffen, with
the NSK proportion the deter-
mining factor in the degree of
stiffness achieved. During the
finishing process this compo-
nent makes the textile fabric
stiffer. It is not only possible
to dye and print the product,
it can be pleated or crushed as
well and modified as required
according to the desired aim.
Hybrid yarns offer consider-
able opportunities in terms of
design and technology, and
they have a very textile look.
In addition, there are impor-
tant economic and ecologi-
cal reasons in favour of their
use. It is possible to process
them in rational and energy-
saving ways. At the process-
ing stage partial plasticization
makes it unnecessary to apply
a coating (with acrylate for in-
stance). Products made from
these yarns, therefore, offer a
substitute for coated textiles,
one produced from a single
material, since recyclable end
products in 100 % polyester
can be manufactured without
Flame retardant hybrid yarns
can be used in sliding panels,
roller and vertical blinds, as
well as in room dividers and
wall coverings. The stiffness
gives the material stability, so
that it hangs in smooth sec-
tions better than conventional
products do. Other applica-
tions include soundproofing
Today Trevira fibres and fila-
ment yarns with a melt fibre
component constitute a firm
proportion of end uses. In
filaments the yarn range is
now supplemented by finer
titres, both by finer textured
variants and now by flat yarns.
Flat yarns in particular make it
possible to achieve completely
new fabrics that have an espe-
cially clean impact. It is partic-
ularly in the interior sunscreen
sector that such very texturless
looks are often in demand.
While melt fibre yarns have up
until now been used manly in
weaving, the new finer titres
have opened up opportunities
in the manufacture of stiffened
fabrics based on weft- or warp-
knitted materials, offering
fresh possibilities in the design
of sun protection textiles.
www.trevira.comHall 1, Stand H12