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durch die markilux Arkaden.
Neuheiten /
only partial shading, which is
an indispensable feature for
computer workspaces. The
heroal rs hybrid also offers
external sun protection with
almost complete resistance to
Space-saving winding
The combination of roll-
formed aluminium profiles
and a high-strength technical
textile enables practically si-
lent operation with a space-
saving winding diameter. For
example, for a blind height
of 2,100 mm only 125 mm of
winding space is required.
Perfect, if you want to fully in-
tegrate the system into a com-
posite heat insulation system
in a building envelope with-
out changing the look of the
facade. hanks to the special
heroal insulation box variants
and the corresponding guide
rails, the heroal rs hybrid also
fulfils all requirements of the
RAL international quality as-
sociation governing usage in
composite heat insulation sys-
tems in houses conforming to
the passive house standard.
This means that as well as be-
ing the perfect solution for the
construction of passive house
buildings, heroal rs hybrid
is also suitable for energy-
saving facade refurbishment
in residential and commercial
construction projects.
Energy conservation
The trailblazing new system
solution heroal rs hybrid of-
fers a total U factor value im-
provement of up to 44 percent
when combined with heroal
thermally insulated windows.
This configuration leads to
major savings on heating
costs. Furthermore, the au-
tomatically controlled heroal
rs hybrid contributes signifi-
cantly to preventing overheat-
ing in summer through its sun
protection function, with an
associated reduction in air
conditioning costs.
Quiet operation and out-
standing sound insulation
The fact the the heroal rs hy-
brid operates with an unprec-
edented low level of noise and
features outstanding sound
insulation means it can be
used in areas where the noise
produced by standard roller
shutters has made them very
difficult to market. Hotels,
hospitals, care facilities and
administrative buildings offer
partners of heroal new poten-
tial sales volume and excel-
lent prospects.
www.heroal.deHall 9, Stand B32
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+49 (0) 234/95391
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to us!
We will report daily until
Friday on everything impor-
tant relating to the fair. Do
you have any suggestions
or questions? Then simply
contact the editorial staff of
the fair newspaper.
Der heroal rs hybrid wickelt so platzsparend wie eine Markisolette. /
The heroal rs hybrid rolls up to save
space as effectively as a roller awning.