Halle 5
Stand 5A 72
Anz_R+T_230x155_200112_Layout 1 20.01.12 14:15 Seite 1
Unternehmen /
Stoff als auch die Gelenk-
arme vor Umwelteinflüs-
sen. Die maximale einteili-
ge Anlagengröße liegt bei 7
x 3,5 Metern.
www.woundwo.atHalle 1, Stand B12
Wo&Wo has been part of the
Haas Group since 2006 and
as part of its strategic orienta-
tion has taken over the entire
sun protection area within
the group. The company has
always had a claim to be-
ing a leading provider on the
world market in the awnings
sector in design, quality and
innovations. Consequently,
its own development depart-
ment is constantly in contact
with top customers in order
to be able to provide the best
products for different applica-
tion areas. Wo&Wo has been
familiar on every continent for
decades as a system supplier
for awning system compo-
nents and assembling part-
ners worldwide appreciate its
leading product lines.
Wo&Wo has now been sup-
plying specialist traders in
southern Germany for three
years with finished products
from the complete product
range (roller shutters, exte-
rior blinds, awnings, indoor
products, insect protection).
A five-strong field service
team headed by Paul Kirch-
mair looks after several hun-
dred satisfied customers,
who are supplied once a week
by the company’s own trans-
port fleet.
The company is continuing to
grow and has expanded its
sales area in Germany. With
the addition of a production
and service location in Frielen-
dorf, central Germany can now
also be served with its own
transport fleet. Mr Frank Re-
isenauer with his four-strong
team is responsible for the
areas Baden-Württemberg,
Hessen, Luxembourg, Saar-
land, Rhineland Palatinate
and North Rhine Westphalia.
The company is a pure part-
ner of specialist dealers and
consequently sells its prod-
ucts exclusively via these.
Products presented
The main focus at the R+T
will be on the entire product
The free-standing large area
awning Wingline will also pro-
vide extensive shade there,
where this is not structurally
planned. System widths of up
to 7 m and overhangs of up to
4.5 m make the system a per-
fect guest garden awning.
Wo&Wo have taken customer
requirements into account
and made the already tried-
and-tested winter garden
awning Xline simply bigger.
From 2012 the system will be
available with an installation
width of 6 m. The new under-
glass awning is slender and
elegant. It has been devel-
oped brand new, based on
the Xline and will be unveiled
at the R+T.
In addition, the company will
present a façade awning in
which not only the drop arm
runs in the guide rail, but in
addition the hanging is at-
tached to the guide rail with
a zip system when it is ex-
tended. The advantages of
this system are obvious. The
zip system produces clear
advantages through greater
wind stability. When lowering
the hanging, it runs into the
guide rails. Since not only the
end rail, but also the hanging
is guided, there are no light
slits on the sides – mate-
rial and mechanism become
a unit and in this way endow
the zip line with shade even in
a strong wind. Since the light
slits are eliminated by the
zip system, the system not
only provides visual protec-
tion when the material is low-
ered, it also has another ad-
vantage: with the additional
equipment of sealing profiles,
it acts as an insect grille and
in this way prevents penetra-
tion by annoying insects.
The Trendline awnings em-
body living in style. Italian
design and clear lines replace
the rounded forms of the past.
The slender modern design
and timeless elegance endow
the Trendline cassette with
an exceptional position in the
awning market. The attractive
aluminium cassette protects
both the material as well as
the folding arm against the
elements. The maximum
one-piece system size is 7 x
3.5 m.
www.woundwo.atHall 1, Stand B12
Italienisches Design und klare Linien lösen die runden Formen der
Vergangenheit zunehmend ab. /
Italian design and clear lines are
increasingly replacing the rounded forms of the past.