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www.veka.de· Ein Unternehmen der Laumann Gruppe
Mit unseren Ideen sind Sie gut aufgestellt für die
Zukunft. Bestes Beispiel: das bewährte Rollladen-
kastensystem VEKAVARIANT. Sechs verschiedene
Kastengrößen und eine Vielzahl durchdachter
Details wie die innovative Kopfstückdämmung
ermöglichen alle denkbaren Einbaulösungen mit
nur einem Basis-Profilsatz. Und ob Neubau oder
Altbausanierung, ob mit Insektenschutz oder
ohne: Dank des schraublosen Verbindungssystems
bietet VEKAVARIANT volle Kompatibilität – auch
mit Fenstern anderer Hersteller.
Sämtliche Detaillösungen und zahlreiche andere
Innovationen aus dem Hause VEKA zeigen wir
Ihnen gern an unserem
Messestand. Und auch im
Internet können Sie sich über
die Systemwelt von VEKA
www.veka.deWir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!
„Typi sch VEKA: Selbst das kleinste
Detai l passt ins große Ganze!“
Besuchen Sie uns!
Stand 5B42
in Halle 5
R+T Aktuell /
und er bekommt ein ori-
ginal Stoffmuster geliefert.
Wenn das Muster gefallen
hat, kann er über die Fach-
händlersuche auf der Web-
site beim nächstgelegenen
Duette-Fachhändler die
konkrete Auswahl treffen.
Somit wird ein gezielter
Kontakt zum Fachhändler
Vielen Dank für das Ge-
www.duette.deHalle 7, Stand C32
Friedrich W Petrat, managing
director of Hunter Douglas
was available for an interview
at the beginning of the fair. In
Hall 7 at stand C32 vision and
innovation are combined on
about 1000 m
What message would you
like to convey at the R+T
In a nutshell - our message
is green. Above all else, we
stress the environmental as-
pect of our products. For our
customers, energy-efficient
solutions are combined with
great added value.
How exactly can one save
energy with your products?
Glass on its own isn’t
enough to save energy. Sun
protection – both internal
as well as external – helps
to keep heat out in summer
and store it inside in winter.
Various studies, e.g. by the
German Fraunhofer Institute,
have provided scientific proof
of this.
What products have you fo-
cused on at your fair stand?
About 20 different product
groups are on display - there
is an innovation in each. Of
particular interest is that we
are now developing our own
motors. They’re very quiet,
you almost can‘t hear them.
They are also distinguished
by very low, even energy con-
sumption. Surplus energy
when lowering the system is
stored and reused when rais-
ing it.
What distinguishes Duette?
Duette is decorative and
simultaneously energy-effi-
cient internal sun protection.
Duette in semi-transparent
look, fire-resistant B1 quality
is new. This quality is recom-
mended in particular for use
in nursery schools and ma-
jor projects. A special colour
range has been developed for
it. This opens up a lot of new
room for manoeuvre. In addi-
tion, all Duette qualities have
been awarded the Ecotex
label. Apart from a targeted
campaign to support special-
ist dealers, we also provide
information via the Internet.
As part of the campaign 3000
specialist dealers have now
been registered and more
than 10000 end consumers
visit the Internet site monthly.
We provide regular informa-
tion through our newsletter.
You promised us a green pre-
miere. What is behind this?
The intensive use of the
web site by end consumers
spawned the idea to develop
an energy-saving calculator -
but which actually calculates.
What was important for us
was that end consumers get
specific information about
their energy saving at win-
dows for their particular solu-
tion at home.
What exactly does this look
Together with the engineer-
ing office Professor Hauser an
energy-saving calculator was
prepared in which customers
can enter their own values
and individual circumstances.
They can print out the results
and get an original material
sample delivered. If they like
the sample, they can make a
specific choice via the special-
ist dealer search on the web
site at the nearest Duette spe-
cialist dealer. Targeted con-
tact with the specialist dealer
is set up in this way.
Thank you very much for the
www.duette.deHall 7, Stand C32