R+T Aktuell /
www.weinor.deHalle 5
Stand 5A 72
Anz_R+T_230x155_200112_Layout 1 20.01.12 14:15 Seite 1
Die R+T Russia, Russ-
lands einzige fokussierte
Fachmesse für die Berei-
che Rollladen, Türen, Tore,
Sonnenschutz, Fenster und
Glas, findet erstmalig vom
26. bis zum 28. September
2012 im Crocus Expo Inter-
national Exhibition Centre
in Moskau statt.
Russland ist derzeit einer
der vielversprechendsten
Wirtschaftsmärkte Euro-
pas. Zahlreiche internati-
onale Unternehmen drän-
gen jährlich in den russi-
schen Markt. Besonders
millionenschwere Baupro-
jekte anlässlich der olym-
pischen Winterspiele 2014
in Sotschi oder der Bau ei-
nes Regierungsviertels am
Rande Moskaus bieten
zahlreiche Marktchancen.
Der Geschäftsführer von
Business Media Russia
(Partner der Messe Stutt-
gart), Herr Alexej Matveev,
gibt heute, 29.02.2012, von
14 bis 15 Uhr beim R+T
International Forum in der
R+T International Forum
R+T International Forum
Presselounge der Messe
Stuttgart Informationen
aus erster Hand über die
R+T Russia und den rus-
sischen Markt. Der Vortrag
und die anschließende
Diskussion finden in eng-
lischer Sprache statt.
www.rt-russia.comThe R+T Russia, Russia’s only
dedicated trade fair for the
sectors roller shutters, doors,
gates, sun protection, win-
dows and glass, will take place
for the first time from 26 to 28
September 2012 in the Crocus
Expo International Exhibition
Centre in Moscow.
Russia is currently one of the
markets in Europe. Numer-
ous international companies
are crowding onto the Russian
market every year. In particular
building projects worth mil-
lions for the Olympic Winter
Games in 2014 in Sotschi or the
construction of a government
district on the edge of Moscow
offer numerous market oppor-
The managing director of Busi-
ness Media Russia (partner
of Messe Stuttgart), Mr Alexej
communicate first-hand infor-
mation about R+T Russia and
the Russian market at the R+T
International Forumin thepress
lounge of the Messe Stuttgart
from 2.00 to 3.00 p.m. The talk
and subsequent discussion will
be in English.
www.rt-russia.comBesuchen Sie das
RTS-Magazin auf der R+T
Halle 4, Stand 4D01 und Halle 5, Stand 5D01
the number one world fair for
roller shutters, doors and sun
protection in order to present
innovations and acquire com-
prehensive information on
trends and developments.
Networking heads the agen-
da. At no other fair can those
interested get such a com-
prehensive overview of the
industry’s trends and innova-
tions as in Stuttgart. Innova-
tions are unveiled at the R+T
first. This is confirmed by the
over 100 submissions for the
Innovation Prize of the R+T
2012. The subjects of energy
efficiency and building secu-
rity take pride of place here.
Supporting programme
Apart from the exhaustive
exhibition section with tech-
nical innovations and further
developments from around
the world, the R+T 2012 has a
wide supporting programme.
In cooperation with reputed
associations, institutes and
industry experts, an inter-
esting programme has been
developed with valuable ad-
ditional information for all
kinds of visitor groups. There
is room for fun too. For exam-
ple, in the daily craftsmen’s
battle “Two versus two” you
can compete in fitting an awn-
ing with cloth change, instal-
lation of a roller shutter shell,
installing an exterior blind
element and setting a control
component. You can find the
programme for today on the
first page in our Top Events.
International market
The R+T’s internationalisation
is being taken further in order
to open up future markets.
Important steps have already
been taken in this direction.
The R+T Asia is the biggest in-
ternational trade fair for roller
shutters, doors/gates, sun
protection and the window
and glass industry in Asia. It
has taken place every year
since 2005. This year’s event
will be organised in coopera-
tion with Messe Stuttgart and
VNU Exhibitions Asia in March
In addition, the R+T Russia will
take place for the first time in
September 2012 in Moscow.
The Russian market has ex-
tremely interesting, almost
unexploited potential in terms
of roller shutters, doors and
sun protection.
www. rt-expo. de