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alle neuheiten von WO&WO in halle 1, Stand 1B12
The Federal Association Roller
Shutters and Sun Protection
cordially invites you to begin
the fair day at its stand. This
is especially recommended if
you enter the grounds through
the East Entrance. This is be-
cause the association stand
can be found there, directly
in front of Hall 1. Here you can
get a great deal of information
about the work of the lobby
for the German roller shutter
and sun protection techni-
cian handicraft. Among other
Christoph Silber-Bonz, Hauptge-
schäftsführer des Bundesverban-
des Rollladen + Sonnenschutz /
Christoph Silber-Bonz, Managing
Director of the Federal Associa-
tion Roller Shutters + Sun Protec-
tion [BVRS]
things, guild members receive
the fair catalogue free and an
overview of numerous new as-
sociation publications, which
are intended to simplify day-
to-day work in the company
for them. In addition, you are
invited to a drink or beverage
in the BVRS lounge. And those
who are not (yet) members
can get an intensive briefing
on the advantages of guild
membership in conversation
with the branch office’s staff.
For there are enough reasons
for joining.
The special show “Young
talents” is especially recom-
mended for anyone who in-
terested in the creativity and
technical skill of the upcoming
generation of the roller shutter
and sun protection technician
handicraft. Four masters and
ten journeymen – including an
Innovation Prize winner – show
what they have learnt andwhat
they can do. Those who would
like to see how fit they are
when it comes tomounting and
installing the most important
industry products can likewise
do so in the Craftsman Battle in
the East Entrance area.
But now to the actual rea-
son for attending the fair: the
stands of about 800 exhibitors
in a total of nine halls. If you do
not want to wear yourself out,
careful planning is urgently
necessary. As far as possible,
you should consider inadvance
which stands you would like to
visit and then put together an
appropriate plan for the day.
Apart from the catalogue, what
is also useful here is the corre-
spondingapp for smartphones,
which the Messe Stuttgart pro-
vides free of charge. The spon-
soring members of the Federal
Association Roller Shutters
+ Sun Protection can be eas-
ily and quickly found with the
printed fair planner, which is
available free of charge at the
BVRS stand.
Incidentally, anyonewhowould
really like get the most out
of the worldwide innovation
stock exchange of the industry
should not just drop by their
own suppliers. Curiosity about
new solutions, clever ideas or
products, which provide a use-
ful supplement to your own
product line, make attending
the fair particularly exciting.
If you still have enough en-
ergy, you can then listen in to
one of the many interesting
talks in the comprehensive
supporting programme. For
example, tomorrow (1 March)
the specialist conference of
the Technical Expertise Centre
of our association on energy
saving with roller shutters and
sun protection.
Therefore, however you or-
ganise your fair day, you can
be sure of one thing: it will
definitely be worth it!
www.rs-fachverband.deEingang Ost, Stand 1.220,
1.129, 1.125, 1.123
Kleffmann Verlag