Aufschwung. Auch das VFA-
Interlift Forum auf der Messe
wurde gut angenommen und
verzeichnete mit über 2200 Be-
suchern einen neuen Rekord.“
Heiko Könicke, Geschäftsfüh-
render Gesellschafter AFAG
Messen und Ausstellungen
„Wir haben ein Dau-
erhoch mit stabilem, linearem
Wachstum, das belegen die
Spitzenergebnisse bei allen
Kennzahlen der interlift. Be-
sonders beeindruckend ist die
große Reichweite und Inter-
nationalität der Weltleitmesse
für Lifttechnologie. Mit ihrer
großen Angebotstiefe und den
klarenVorzügen der Live-Kom-
munikation schafft sie sowohl
für die Aussteller als auch für
die Anwender und Besucher
aus aller Welt einen nachhalti-
gen Mehrwert. Die exzellenten
Messeergebnisse bewerten wir
gemeinsam mit unseren Part-
nern als erfreulich hoch.“
Joachim Kalsdorf, Projektleiter:
„Diese interlift 2017 war ganz
einfach sensationell. Ihren Sta-
tus als Weltleitmesse hat sie
wieder einmal eindrucksvoll
unterstrichen.Mit den key play-
ern, für die die Devise gilt, „in-
terlift first!, haben schon wäh-
rend der Messe erste Gespräche
über eventuelle Standvergröße-
rungen stattgefunden.“
www.interlift.deGermany and Italy share the same
market interests.“
Lexiang Zhang, General Secretary
“In my opinion the interlift
2017 was a great success. The
amount of exhibitors, of exhibition
area and of professional visitors
once again broke all records. The
organisation of the trade fair is
professional.Wewill be back
in Augsburg in 2019 with even
more exhibitors and visitors.”
Achim Hütter, President of VFA-
Interlift e.V., technical sponsor of
the interlift:
“The interlift 2017 was
a great success. Using the shuttle
service to the parking area at the
WWK-Arena meant that for the
first time we could target both
trade fair entrances, which led to
a very noticeable improvement in
spreading out the trade fair visi-
tors. The generally good economic
situation ensured that both visitors
and exhibitors were in the best
frame of mind. The only problem
perceived is the lack of qualified
personnel, which slows the boom
somewhat. The VFA-Interlift Forum
was aloe well received at the trade
fair and our over 2,200 visitors were
a new record.”
Heiko Könicke, Managing Director
AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen
“We are enjoying a con-
tinuous boom with stable linear
growth, as is seen from all the top
results in all benchmarks of the
interlift. The large extent and the
internationality factor of theworld’s
leading trade fair for elevator tech-
nology are particularly impressive.
With its large selection of exhibits
and the clear advantages of per-
sonal communication it creates a
sustainable added value for both
exhibitors and visitors. Together
with our partners we are extremely
pleased with the excellent trade
fair results.”
“This interlift 2017 was quite simply
sensational. Once again it impres-
sively underlined its position as
the worldwide leading trade fair
for the sector. For our key players
their motto is“interlift first,”and we
have already been discussing pos-
sible enlargements to their stands
for the future.”