heroal –Johann Henkenjohann
GmbH & Co. KG
Österwieher Str. 80
33415 Verl (Germany)
Fon +49 5246 507-0
+49 5246 507-222
Erleben Sie exklusiv die Weltpremiere des heroal rs hybrid
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28. Februar bis 3. März 2012
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den heroal rs hybrid
Unfortunately interior sun
protection is less called for
among architects.
When we address it, it
becomes an important sales
argument, which in part even
makes the price secondary.
Duette articles represent an
increasing share of plissés
sold for us. Although our ad-
vertising stresses the subject,
energy efficiency is seldom
something customers bring
Many just like the appearance.
The additional advantages are
then appreciated and acceler-
ate the decision.
The subject of “sensible”
energy efficiency has become
extremely important for end
customers, building owners
and architects. But it’s no good
having insulated everything in
20 years and then experienc-
ing new problems with mould
and impaired health. This is
what makes the accompany-
ing research results at Duette
so important.
What distinguishes Duette?
Both the high qual-
ity appearance as well as
the energy-saving. The only
disadvantage is the slightly
less light permeable design,
since it’s double-walled. On
these grounds some custom-
ers have then decided on the
“normal” version after all.
Since the rods in window
decorations are normally sin-
gle-rail and we prefer to use
high quality materials, Duette
represents a great opportunity
for us to provide our custom-
ers with energy-saving and an
improvement in room acous-
tics through its filigree hon-
eycomb technology – without
being strikingly opulent.
Duette provides an op-
portunity to combine perfect
function with a perfect look.
It offers privacy and sun pro-
tection with energy saving op-
tions and looks really good at
the same time.
Appearance, even fold-
ing, insulation effect, no vis-
ible cord guidance and good
support with advertising ma-
terial. The name is also very
easy to remember in advertis-
ing terms.
Good products are dis-
tinguished by clear concepts:
benefits (energy efficiency
sector), design (interior fit-
tings design) and function
(operating options). Duette
can offer all of this to perfec-
How have you realised this
topic on the market?
We are a registered Du-
ette specialist dealer. When-
ever there is an opportunity,
we point out energy efficiency
in a sales talk. We organise
customer events in our com-
pany and advertise with direct
My customers get an in-
formation letter three to four
times a year. As a Teba dealer,
I provide information about
innovations and in this con-
nection have also pointed out
the advantages of honeycomb
folded blinds in detail.
We are a registered Du-
ette specialist dealer. We
have master patterns in our
winter garden model. In addi-
tion, patterns are repeatedly
shown in the shop window.
Our measures are adverts, fly-
ers, Facebook advertising and
campaigns on our homepage.
We also advertise the
subject with flyers on the sub-
ject of “energy-saving”, which
are attached to every invoice,
in order to generate additional
sales with regular customers,
apart from the usual meas-
ures – such as patterns on the
sales floor, descriptions on
our homepage, billboards or
The newsletter just came
out again with a threefold
update for registered special-
ist dealers with current ad-
vertising measures and new
information on the subject. I
find the newsletter in design,
regularity, handling and infor-
mation one of the most excit-
ing advertising measures. The
flyers, posters, brochures, etc
which we regularly use are all
matching and made-to-meas-
www.duette.deHall 7, Stand C32
Michael Schwarz (MS)
Raumdekor Schwarz
Unternehmen /