and experiments for the fa-
cades of the present and fu-
ture with Manuelle Gautrand
Architecture, Staab Architek-
ten, Transsolar and many oth-
ers. In addition, from 10.30
a.m. Verlags-Marketing Stutt-
gart will conduct a trade fair
tour for planners and con-
sultants. This requires regis-
tration (east entrance, Stand
On Thursday numerous great
opportunities will be on of-
fer at the R+T to deepen your
knowledge in the form of the
ES-SO Workshop (ICS, Room
C4, 10.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.),
the Electricians’ Forum (Hall
4, Stand 4D22, 10.30 a.m. –
12.00 noon) and the Gentner
Forum on the Smart Home
(east entrance, atrium, 10.00
a.m. – 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 –
5.00 p.m.).
On Friday the focus will re-
main on architecture. A great
response is expected to the
premiere of the German Inte-
rior Designers’ Day (GID Day),
where architects, interior de-
signers and interior decora-
tors will meet to discuss the
latest developments in the
architectural interior. The
event will take place in the
atrium at the east entrance
from 9.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.
Saturday, the final trade fair
day, will be the last opportu-
nity to experience high tech
on the spot or attend the one
or other great special show.
Predominantly skilled crafts
people are expected on this
day, who for the most part –
free from day-to-work – can
only attend on Saturday in or-
der to learn more about the
latest trends and products in
the world of roller shutters,
gates/doors and sun protec-
Daily supporting
The ift special show “More
than light and shadow” will
take place daily in the Alfred
Kärcher Hall (Hall 9) at Stand
9B52. The demands on sun /
glare protection, daylight sys-
tems and gates are constant-
ly increasing. Key data such as
the g
value, light transmis-
sion, resistance to wind load,
Protection, BVT – Association
Doors, the Industrial Associa-
tion Technical Textiles – Roller
Shutters – Sun Protection and
the Messe Stuttgart.
“Young talents” await you
at the east entrance, Stand
EO327! The new blood of the
roller shutter and sun protec-
tion skilled craft will get the
opportunity to demonstrate
its abilities under the man-
agement of the Federal As-
sociation Roller Shutters and
Sun Protection. As part of the
special show “Young Talents
2015” selected pieces of work
by young skilled craftspeople
will be presented to those at-
tending the R+T.
You will get an RS update dai-
ly from 11 – 11.30 a.m. on cur-
rent specialist questions in
the form of specialist semi-
nars with speakers from the
BVRS at the east entrance,
Stand EO331. Here the special-
ist consultants of the BVRS
business office will report
on the latest issues from the
fields of technology, law, IT
and vocational training. Here
visitors will also obtain in-
formation in compressed for
their daily work.
The skilled craft battle is a
test of abilities, east entrance,
Stand EO346. Mounting an
awning, replacing the cloth or
installing a new motor with
roller shutters and program-
ming the control? Two-person
teams will compete in the
skilled craft battle with the
faster team winning, though
errors in executing the tasks
will be punished with time
A week full of highlights
The BVT Gate/Door Forum
will open on Wednesday
(Hall 4, Stand 4D22, 1.30 –
4.30 p.m.). Here the focus will
be exclusively on doors and
gates for three days: fire and
smoke protection, security
and maintenance, energy and
sustainability and lots more.
The organisers are the BVT –
Association Doors in coopera-
tion with the industry asso-
ciations BAS.T, E.D.S.F and TTZ.
On Wednesday the Messe
Stuttgart will also present
the satellite trade fairs of the
R+T as part of the R+T Inter-
national Forum at ICS, r. C4.2
and 4.3 from 9.30 – 11.30 a.m.
Industry experts and inter-
national trade associations
will each present various for-
eign markets and answer the
questions of companies in-
terested in taking part in the
trade fair.
Architecture will be the domi-
nant theme on Thursday.“The
Art of Planning,” the architec-
ture event, which enjoyed a
tremendous premiere in 2012
with over 1500 participants,
will present the internation-
al façade congress Façades
2015 (ICS, Room C1.1, 9.30 a.m.
– 2.30 p.m.). Renowned ar-
chitects, engineers and re-
searchers will introduce con-
UV radiation, thermal pro-
tection and safety are neces-
sary for planning and deploy-
ment. The special show of the
ift Rosenheim will present all
the relevant technical param-
eters and technical / scien-
tific, regulatory standard and
statutory requirements on
the basis of the products of
leading manufacturers.
Members of the interested
trade public will have the op-
portunity from the first day of
the trade fair in the form of a
poster show to find out more
about the prize-winners and
winning products of the Inno-
vation Prize 2015 at the east
entrance, Stand EO311. The
coveted R+T Innovation Prize
has been awarded nine times
jointly by the Federal Associa-
tion Roller Shutters and Sun
Der ES-SOWorkshop bietet am Donnerstag eine großartige Möglichkeit,Wissen zu erweitern.
On Thursday the ES-SOWorkshop will provide a great opportunity to deepen knowledge.
„The Art of Planning“ feierte 2012 mit mehr als 1500 Teilnehmern eine grandiose Premiere.
In 2012 “The Art of Planning” enjoyed a tremendous premiere with over 1500 participants.
8 R+T aktuell /
Landesmesse Stuttgart (2)
Besuchen Sie uns auf der R+T!
Halle 4, Stand D01
Halle 5, Stand D01
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