These included coordinated
shades and high quality sur-
faces. Warema has set new
standards for the selection of
colours with its new world of
The newWarema
world of colour
Warema’s standard colour
chart has been revised and
restructured. The result is the
Warema world of colour. All
powder coatings have now
been subdivided into the cat-
egories Highlight, Variation
and Individual. The Highlight
category includes twelve pow-
der shades, which follow cur-
rent trends in the window and
façade area. They are avail-
able in five surface qualities
(silky gloss, matte, fine struc-
ture, highly weather resistant
matte, highly weather resist-
ant fine structure). The Ware-
ma world of colour is sup-
plemented by the Variation
category with another 50 RAL
colours – optionally in the sur-
face qualities silky gloss,matte,
fine structure or highly weath-
er resistant matte. The Indi-
vidual area rounds off the new
Warema world of colour with
another 180 powder coatings.
Consequently, the sunlight
manager provides a compre-
hensive colour portfolio for al-
uminium parts (these include
cover panels, guide rails, boxes
and profiles). The powder coat-
ing in the factory’s own coat-
ing facility generally occurs
with chromate-free pre-treat-
ment in accordance with Qual-
ity Association for Piece Coat-
ing (GSB) according to GSB AL
631 guideline.
Highly weather resistant
powder coating
The highly weather resistant
surface quality provides opti-
mised protection of the ma-
terial against climatic influ-
ences. Up to now it has above
all been used in areas with
high humidity and ultravio-
let radiation exposure. This
is because the more extreme
the effect of the combina-
tion of sunlight, temperature
and moisture on the mate-
rial is, the greater the change
in the surface structure over
the years. The high paint and
weather resistance of the
quality means that highly
weather resistant paints are
now also to be found ever
more frequently in temper-
ate climatic zones. This is be-
cause demanding architects
and building owners rightly
expect an appearance with
excellent long term weather
and light resistance.
Collection for exterior
venetian blind slats and
roller shutter slats
Since exterior venetian blinds
and roller shutters are often
combined with each other on
the windows of modern fa-
cades, Warema had already
introduced a standard col-
lection for exterior venetian
blind slats and roller shut-
ter slats in 2012. There are 24
shades coordinated with each
other, which harmonise with
the newWarema world of col-
ours for cover panels, boxes
and guide rails.
Colour extension with
front-mounted roller
shutter V4
The company also extended
the colour spectrum for the
V4 front-mounted roller shut-
ter with the introduction of
the newWarema world of col-
our. As a result, roller shutter
boxes, guide rails and end rails
will in future be available in
all twelve shades of the High-
light category instead of four
as previously. In addition, one
can choose between the five
qualities silky gloss, matte,
fine structure, highly weath-
er resistant matte and highly
weather resistant fine struc-
ture. Thanks to the new selec-
tion of 60 variants, ideal coor-
dination with neighbouring
elements such as windows
and façade areas is also possi-
ble with the V4.
www.warema.deHall 3, Stand C32
Unternehmen /
Die Oberflächenqualität HWF (hochwetterfest) bietet einen optimier-
ten Schutz des Materials gegen Klimaeinflüsse.
The highly weather resistant surface quality provides optimised pro
tection of the material against climatic influences.
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