thermal insulation. The pack-
age height is decisive in plan-
ning the shaft or cover panel
heights on the building. Since
these are aweakness in the fa-
çade froman energy efficiency
point of view, they should be
kept as small as possible. This
is because the smaller the
shaft, the lower the potential
energy losses. Valuable centi-
metres can now be saved with
the new Warema 80 S model.
The sunlight manager has not
only succeeded in reducing
the package height by more
than 15 per cent, but simulta-
neously in increasing the sta-
bility of the slats by over five
per cent. Since the cover pan-
el sizes required also decrease
with the package height, sun
protection can in addition be
integrated far more inconspic-
uously in the façade. Warema
provides a free application on
the internet to calculate the
package height of all types
available. It can be retrieved
round the clock at http://apps.
The details are
what count
Warema overhauled the de-
sign of the bottom rails and
slat geometry to reduce the
package height. Thanks to a
marked reduction in the di-
ameter of the beading, the
slats now appear even more
delicate. Moreover, the new
slat geometry ensures more
stability and strength. The
optimised guide nipple with
high quality, flush-mounted
recessed two-point welding
and large counter plate trans-
fer stability to the guide rails.
A new cable guide lug not
only permits the greatest pos-
sible turning angle, but like-
wise makes a contribution to
reducing the package height.
Last but not least, the shutter
strap lugs were also improved
to enable the light incidence
in the room interior to be re-
duced to a minimum.
Exterior venetian blinds
manage sunlight
Warema has been develop-
ing and producing modern,
functional sun protection so-
lutions, which facilitate active
sunlight management since
1955. Exterior venetian blinds
have played an important role
here since the beginning of the
1960s. Warema’s solutions in-
clude not just innovative tech-
nology,but also comprehensive
expert knowledge and high
standards. This is whyWarema
exterior venetian blinds stand
for the highest quality. Ten
different slat geometries, 30
standard slat colours and over
250 different powder coatings
with all kinds of surfaces fulfil
almost every wish. The product
range includes window sys-
tem exterior venetian blinds,
metal system exterior venetian
blinds, front mounted exteri-
or venetian blinds, round arch
exterior venetian blinds, asym-
metrical exterior venetian
blinds and self-supporting sys-
tems. Numerous other special
solutions such as Warema vi-
noise-optimised upper rail sup-
ports, wind-stable versions, the
blind set for escape routes or
the revolutionary protective
coating Reynolux EcoClean for
exterior venetian blind slats
make the company by its own
account the pacemaker in the
exterior venetian blind market.
www.warema.deHall 3, Stand C32
Die neue Lamellengeometrie sorgt für Stabilität und Festigkeit.
The new slat geometry ensures more stability and strength.
Einzigartig sind die 2-Punkt verschweißten Führungsnippel, die flä-
chenbündig in die Oberfläche der Lamelle eingelassen werden.
The two-point welded guide nipples set flush-mounted in the surface
of the slats are unique.
+39 0432 638311
www.pratic.itHALLE 1 / 1F62
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