Rollladen · Tore · Sonnenschutz
Februar 2015
Rollladen ·Tore · Sonnenschutz
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Maren Meyerling: Your slo-
gan is Simply. Better. – What
is the underlying message?
Konrad Kaiser: The message
describes what heroal stands
for: our modular solutions for
the external envelope meet
the demands of building own-
ers and investors and undergo
constant optimisation. The fo-
cus here is also on the manu-
facturing processes, which are
becoming progressively more
efficient and at the same time
more energy-conserving –
thanks to self-developed sus-
tainable and intelligent tech-
Maren Meyerling: Tell us
more about the innovations
and systems of the R+T.
Konrad Kaiser: Specifically the
issue is daylight control – the
system heroal LC and a zip
screen – the system heroal VS
Z. It’s all about individual use
of daylight and the opportu-
nity to open up new business
fields with our partners. For
example, in heroal LC we have
made use of a magnetic tech-
nology we developed, which
makes it possible to control
the slats individually and in
this way direct the daylight.
Maren Meyerling: For which
markets are these products
of particular interest?
Konrad Kaiser:Whereas to date
the greater part of our system
goods has been used in single
family homes, we now provide
the opportunity to fit larger
buildings and multi-family
houses with optimal sun pro-
tection systems. The Nether-
lands is definitely also an im-
portant market for the sun
protection segment. In order
to exploit the opportunities
for heroal to the maximum
extent in this market we have
established heroal Nederland
B.V. Under Michèl Willemse’s
management we will be closer
to our customers in the Dutch
market with a bigger new
Maren Meyerling: We’ve
talked a lot about innova-
tions – what tried-and-tes-
ted things will also stay as
they were in future?
Konrad Kaiser: That’s right, we
want to further develop the
company and set new stand-
ards. For this, we as heroal –
and from our point of view
– the entire industry, need in-
novative products. We can
only achieve this with a solid
foundation. In our case this is
our proven product portfolio –
top quality roller shutters and
roll-up door systems, which
we are supplementing with
the sun protection segment.
Constancy in our orientation
and support of our partners
are just as decisive for us as
short decision-making chan-
nels, high individual respon-
sibility and reliability. Conse-
quently, we will continue to
supply system goods to the
producers and expand our
Maren Meyerling: Making
suchadirect statement to the
producers is no longer a mat-
ter of course.What is it about
this procedure that convin-
ces you?
Konrad Kaiser: We are a sys-
tem provider both for roller
shutter, roll-up door and sun
protection systems as well as
in the field of windows, doors
and facades. In each of these
areas we would like to have
strong, independent partners,
which know their local market
and can meet customer ex-
pectations perfectly. Only our
partner, who has the regional
knowledge, can assume the
personal contact and right
consultation with the corre-
sponding know-how. We are
happy to provide support in
this regard.
Maren Meyerling: I under-
stand that you need strong
local partners – but how do
you support them?What ser-
vices are you talking about?
Konrad Kaiser: There are deci-
sive competitive advantages
for our customers as a result
of having a reliable partner at
their side: very short delivery
times, flawless system goods
and services as well as the
complete system portfolio for
the entire external envelope.
All heroal systems go through
a great variety of test proce-
dures, such as the hail resis-
tance test in the field of roller
shutter and roll-up door sys-
tems. The stainless steel roll-
er shutter has special proper-
ties in this respect. Apart from
this, we offer our partners the
option of tailoring – also in
the case of RAL colours and
high quality surface finishing:
on the one hand the two-layer
thick resist in the case of roll-
er-shaped construction ele-
ments and on the other hand
the outstanding heroal hwr
powder coating.
www.heroal.deHalle 9, Stand B32
18 Unternehmen /
Michèl Willemse und Konrad Kaiser, Geschäftsführer von heroal.
Michèl Willemse and Konrad Kaiser, managing directors of heroal.
Die 12 Meter hohe Beschichtungsanlage nimmt bis zu 2194 Profile auf und läuft mit einer Kettengeschwindigkeit von 1,5 Metern / Minute.
The 12 m high coating system can handle up to 2194 profiles and runs at a belt speed of 1.5 m / minute.