R+T Aktuell /
Came invites you
to the Première of Art.
28/02 - 03/03/2012 R+T Stuttgart
Stand C21 - Pavilion 5.
Came …
becomes Art.
artwork: ART author: CAME
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19/01/12 11.52
these subjects with power
presentations, work reports
and podium discussions.
The leading developments
and trends in the facade
field were introduced in an
introductory talk. In his sub-
sequent talk the French star
architect Dominique Perrault
and the changed meaning of
the facade as building and
information envelope on the
basis of selected designs of
recent years and presented
buildings he had designed,
including the facade of the of-
fice building Onix in Lille and
the Fukoku Towers in Osaka.
Additional speakers were Pro-
fessor Ulrich Knaack from the
TU Delft in the Netherlands,
who presented the façade as
interface between the build-
ing and its environment. Jür-
gen Bartenschlag, from Sau-
erbruch Hutton, Berlin dealt
with resource-friendly and
innovative facades, Dr Jan
Wurm from Arup Materials,
also of Berlin, looked at bion-
ic engineering and Matthias
Schuler from Transsolar Stutt-
gart spoke on the subject of
climate engineering. Andreas
Hild from Hild and K, Munich,
demonstrated how one can
subject facades to a contem-
porary remake. Heike Kluss-
mann and Thorsten Klooser
from the visual arts faculty of
the University of Kassel exam-
ined the new materials and
functional surfaces available
for smart surfaces. Tim Edler
from realities: united from
Berlin spoke about “Interac-
tion: media and staging” on
the topics of light, media and
movement and presented
projects realised and current
trends from this area. The
one-day specialist congress
was aimed at architects and
civil engineers as well as stu-
dents and others interested in
this area. The programme was
rounded off by special events
for the target groups of inte-
rior decorators and electrical
“It was an honour for me to
speak in front of this enor-
mous auditorium. My best ex-
pectations were exceeded,”
revealed star architect Domi-
nique Perrault at the end of
the conference day. Sebas-
tian Schmid, Messe Stuttgart,
noted too: “We’re already
looking forward to the 2015
event where the concept will
undergo further expansion.”