journal 3/2018
Bleiben Sie in Verbindung, bleiben Sie sicher!
SafeLine setzt gemeinsammit Ericsson und Telit den Maßstab für die zukünftige VoLTE-Technologie
Stay Connected, Stay Safe!
SafeLine collaborates with Ericsson and Telit to set the Standard for Future VoLTE Technology
zahlreichen Notruftelefonen. Dies wirft
die Frage auf, wie man sich auf einfache
und kostengünstige Art und Weise an
die neuen Gegebenheiten anpassen und
Systeme produzieren kann, die mög-
lichst über mehrere Jahrzehnte in dieser
Umgebung funktionieren. Eine große
Herausforderung, die zudem einiges an
Weitblick erfordert.
Dem Mobility Report des Telekommuni-
kationsunternehmens Ericsson zufolge
wird die 4G-Technologie bald das welt-
weit meistgenutzte Mobilnetz sein, weil
angenommen wird, dass die zunehmende
Anzahl von Usern in China und Indien di-
In naher Zukunft werden die alten 2G-
GSM-Netze nach und nach abgeschaltet.
Um darauf vorbereitet zu sein, wurde das
Aufzugsicherheitsunternehmen SafeLine
eingeladen, mit zwei der größten Unter-
nehmen der Telekommunikationsbranche
beim diesjährigen Mobile World Congress
zusammenzuarbeiten und seinen Ansatz
zur Bewältigungdieser Herausforderung zu
präsentieren – und so sicherzustellen, dass
Kunden in Verbindung bleiben.
Das Abschalten veralteter Netze wird
zunehmend zu einer Realität und betrifft
besonders die Aufzugbranche mit ihren
In the near future, the old 2G GSM net-
workswill gradually start to shut down. To
be prepared for this, lift safety company
SafeLinewas invited to teamupwith two
telecomgiants at this year’sMobileWorld
Congress to demonstrate their take on
this challenge – making sure customers
can stay connected.
Shutdown of old networks are already an increas-
ing reality, very much affecting the lift industry
with its many lift emergency telephones. This
raises the question of how to adapt to this new
landscape in a simple and cost-effective way,
how to produce equipment that will last for
possibly decades in this environment. A big chal-
lenge – and one which requires some foresight.
According to the telecom company Ericsson’s
Mobility Report, 4G technology will soon be-
come the most used cellular network in the
entire world, reportedly because of the many
growing users in China and Indiamoving directly
from 2G to 4G. Out of the European countries,
only Switzerland has so far decided to fully
dismantle the 2G network. But while it is still up
for decision in other countries, it seems reason-
able assuming they will follow their example
over time. This increases the need for a secure
and accessible way to use the new 4G network
for voice communication (VoLTE), which at the
moment is not widespread and cost-effective
enough – offering time for companies to adapt
to this new climate before shutdown.
A business that cannot afford to wait until it has
arrived to start adapting, is the lift safety industry.
SafeLine, a company providing lift emergency
telephones for the lift industry, and all their
customers are very much affected by this big
shift towards VoLTE. All of SafeLine’s lift emer-
gency telephones have since the start of the
company been quality products, appreciated by
customers for their immaculate components and
great support – products built to last. But with
communication technology moving forward
so quickly, products’ durability is no longer only
hinged on having only quality components, but
also having components up to speed with its
current technological surroundings and adapted
for its ever changing climate.
For this challenge, SafeLine paired up with
the global leader in IoT enablement, Telit, and
telecom company Ericsson for 2018’s Mobile
World Congress to provide an example of a
company integrated into a 4G network environ-
© SafeLine
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