Sonne. Licht. WAREMA.
Es geht heute um mehr als nur
den Schutz vor der Sonne – ein
guter Sonnenschutz bereichert
in vielerlei Hinsicht: Sicherheit,
Komfort und Energieeffizienz
sind Werte mit Zukunft.
Peter W.
WAREMA Renkhoff SE
www.warema.de info@warema.deUnsere Produkte sind so individuell wie Sie! Ob Rollladen oder Raffstoren – WAREMA bietet Ihnen Sonnenschutz und
Steuerungssysteme in innovativem Design und zeitloser Qualität. Wir sind europäischer Marktführer – nicht zuletzt dank
energieeffizienter Komplettlösungen und maßgeschneidertem Service.
Besuchen Sie uns am
Stand B32 in Halle 3.
R+T 2012
Messe Stuttgart
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03.02.12 14:26
by mode and can react faster
than comparable wireless sys-
tems of other manufacturers.
Almost unchanged effect of
closing forces in roller, sec-
tional and high speed doors
The high data transmission
speed via coiled cables caus-
es problems in less efficient
wireless systems with com-
paratively long transmission
times, since they cause dis-
proportionally long overtravel.
This describes the distance the
door still covers after trigger-
ing the emergency stop com-
To guarantee secure door op-
eration, either the door speed
must be reduced or the section
thickness of the safety strip in-
creased – both measures that
are in no way desirable.
However, the use of WiCAB
permits extremely short over-
travel. The reason it is so
extremely short is that only
about 10 ms pass until the sig-
nal “emergency stop” arrives
at the control - irrespective of
whether it was triggered by
the safety strip, wicket gate or
slack-line monitor.
As a result of the slight over-
travel, the closing forces only
operate the 10 ms mentioned
longer than in the case of
the coiled cord, meaning the
speed of the door does not
need to be reduced or the sec-
tion thickness of the safety
strip increased.
Faster door operation in
sliding doors
Use of WiCAB in combination
with sliding doors ensures
faster door operation.
In the case of sliding doors
no coiled cord is used for
transmitting security-relevant
parameters. Instead an induc-
tive cable system takes care
of this transmission.
However, the transmission
speed of such inductive sys-
tems is very slow, slower than
that of a wireless system. By
using a wireless system in
general and the fast WiCAB
in particular, overtravel com-
pared to a cable system solu-
tion even becomes shorter, i.e.
here one can either increase
the door speed or reduce the
section thickness of the safe-
ty strip(s) – as a result either
time and / or cost are saved.
Intelligent door management
FEIG Electronic has provided
another building block for in-
telligent management of com-
plete door systems with the
WiCAB system.
These include numerous door
controls with frequency con-
verters or reversing contac-
tors, various pulse generators
for opening doors (induction
loop detectors, movement
sensors, RFID and wireless)
and the wireless safety sys-
tem WiCAB itself.
www.feig.deHall 6, Stand A81
Neuheiten /
R+T live
„Die Stimmung auf der
Messe ist super. Sowohl
Besucher als auch Mit-
aussteller scheinen guter
Dinge zu sein.“
“The atmosphere at the fair
is great. Both the visitors and
our co-exhibitors seem to be
in a good mood.”
Sandra Musculus, Einkaufsleitung/
Head of Purchasing Musculus