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PRATIC f.lli Orioli S.p.A

. -

Halle 1 - Stand 1F22


Tecnic Reverse

und dem Einstellen einer


te zu batteln. Weniger als

10 Minuten, die die Besu-

cher investieren sollten,

um interessante Preise von

iPod bis iPad zu gewinnen,

und ihr Können zu zeigen.

Auch zwei Kindergärten

werden vom Wettbewerb

profitieren, wenn dieWett-

kampfmarkisen nach der

Messe dort montiert wer-

den. „Ohne Termin, ein-

fach vorbeikommen und

mitmachen, und sich das

Spektakel nicht entgehen

lassen“, so Olaf Vögele,

Ideengeber und Organisa-

tor vom Kleffmann Verlag.

Man darf gespannt sein,

wer den Wettbewerb ge-

Handwerkerbattle –

vorbeikommen und mitmachen

Craftsmen’s battle –

drop by and join in

winnt und ob sich die RS-

Fachbetriebe durchsetzen


Eingang Ost, E1.001

Directly at the Entrance East

visitors will discover in the

Craftsmen’s Battle (E 1.001),

set in the striking colours of

themarketing campaign of the

ZDH, not just a visual magnet.

Together with the sponsors

Markilux, Roma, Somfy, Sat-

tler, Musculus, Compacfoam

and the Federal Association

Roller Shutters + Sun Pro-

tection as sponsor visitors

are faced with the challeng-

ing task in the competition

to battle “Two against two”

in mounting an awning with

cloth change, installing a roll-

er shutter shell, mounting of

an exterior blind element and

setting a control component.

This involves less than ten

minutes, time visitors should

invest to win interesting priz-

es from an iPod to iPad and

demonstrate their expertise.

Two nursery schools will also

benefit from the competition

when the competition awn-

ings are mounted there after

the fair. “No appointment,

just drop by and take part and

don’t miss the spectacle,” ac-

cording to Olaf Vögele from

Kleffmann Publishing, who

came up with the idea and or-

ganised it. We look forward to

seeing who wins the competi-

tion and whether the RS spe-

cialist companies can prevail.

Eingang Ost, E1.001

Direkt am Eingang Ost

finden die Besucher mit

der Handwerkerbattle (E

1.001) in der auffälligen

Farbgestaltung der Mar-

ketingkampagne des ZDH

nicht nur einen visuellen



mit den Sponsoren Marki-

lux, Roma, Somfy, Sattler,

Musculus, Compacfoam

und dem Bundesverband

Rollladen + Sonnenschutz

als Schirmherrn wird den

Besuchern bei dem Wett-

bewerb die spannen-

de Aufgabe gestellt, sich

„Zwei gegen Zwei“ bei der

Montage einer Markise mit

Tuchwechsel, Einbau eines

Rollladenpanzers, Monta-

ge eines Raffstoreelements

market”, convincing answers

will be provided by the more

than 800 exhibitors from over

40 countries at the R+T 2012

to the great challenges of the

day and future:

• energy saving through sus-

tainable energetic building


• boosting building security

and not least

• beautiful, comfortable, at-



work and life.

The three mega-trends “sav-

ing, protecting, better living”

are very evident in all the halls

of the R+T 2012 and support

the optimism of the entire

industry. Consequently, we

expect further impulses from

the days in Stuttgart, which

should help to continue the

pleasing growth in sales of re-

cent years in future too.

The R+T has strong partners.

The fair began as a small ex-

hibition on the edge of the an-

nual conference of the German

Federal Association Roller

Shutters + Sun Protection. To-

gether with the Landesmesse

Stuttgart it underwent further

development from 1963 on as

a trade fair, which very rapidly

developed into the number

one world fair R+T. The R+T

2012 was also prepared in

close cooperation with exhibi-

tors, supporting associations

and fair organisers and has

realised much that is new and


I am sure that after a fulfilled

day (or more) at the R+T 2012

there will be no doubt: the

industry is crammed with in-


I wish all exhibitors at the R+T

2012 successful business and

an interesting and informative

experience for all fair visitors.

Eingang Ost, Stand 1.220,

1.129, 1.125, 1.123