LIFTjournal 2-2021
abruptly, with no recovery in sight to 2019 levels until 2022, at the very earliest. Only a few mar- kets, such as China, managed quick recoveries. For the whole year 2020, Schindler’s order in- take decreased by 3.2% in local currencies, equi- valent to a drop of 9.1% to CHF 11 018 million in variable terms (previous year: CHF 12 123 million). China recorded the highest growth, followed by the EMEA region, whereas order intake decreased in the Americas and the rest of Asia-Pacific. REVENUE Revenue for the year increased slightly by 0.4% in local currencies, equivalent to reported re- venue of CHF 10 640 million in 2020 (previous year: CHF 11 271 million), corresponding to a drop of 5.6%. Revenue dropped slightly in the Ameri- cas; Europe managed to attain 2019 levels, while Asia-Pacific generated growth driven by a strong performance of the Chinese operation. OPERATING PROFIT (EBIT) Operating profit (EBIT) reached CHF 1 032 million (previous year: CHF 1 258 million), which corre- sponds to a decrease of 18.0% (–11.0% in local currencies). EBIT margin was 9.7% (previous year: 11.2%). NET PROFIT Net profit totaled CHF 774 million compared to the previous year’s result of CHF 929 million. Schind- ler Holding Ltd. closed the fiscal year 2020 with a net profit of CHF 615 million (previous year: CHF 600 million). OUTLOOK FOR 2021 For 2021, “barring unexpected events”, the company’s revenue growth is expected to reach levels between 0% and 5% in local currencies. ⇤ The full annual report can be downloaded from our website. Foto: © Schindler press picture Schindler CEO Thomas Oetterli rechnet damit, dass der Konzern frühestens 2022 wieder das Niveau von 2019 erreicht./ Schindler CEO Thomas Oetterli expects the Group to return to its 2019 level in 2022 at the earliest. 29 AKTUELL NEWS
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