LIFTjournal 2-2021
GBA Aufzugkomponenten e.K. Marienstraße 34 · D-45307 Essen fon: +49 (201) 59 80 420 fax: +49 (201) 59 80 421 Intelligente Lösungen. Optimale Handhabung. Vereinfachte Arbeitsabläufe. BELEUCHTUNGEN KABEL & LEITUNGEN VERDRAHTUNGSSYSTEME VIDEO-ÜBERWACHUNG STEUERUNGSERGÄNZUNGEN Gurtsensor / Belt sensor Fotos: © Dinacell reduced and the systems are quickly available again. Even if the investment financially com- pensates for the saved working time, there is a win-win-win situation for operators, users and installation companies. A quick and reliable diagnosis is just as im- portant as the documentation. A status report to check the values that are as correct as possible or the impeccable data before service work is car- ried out, but also the documentation after new settings are part of a reliable and binding work. INDEPENDENCE OF EXTERNAL POWER The use of mobile systems is simplified if you can work independently of an external power supply. Quickly rechargeable battery systems with ad- apters for USB sockets are a common standard. The connection to mobile devices such as An- droid or iPhone, tablet or PC via integrated Wi-Fi and for cases of disturbed wireless connections via USB connection should be part of the basic equipment. In order to expand the requirements in the future, the possibility of installing updates is actually a must. Apps and software are already available free of charge for many products and of course also in the local language in order to avoid applica- tion errors. But not only requirements that require changes to the software are likely. There are also hardware requirements for the sensors. Yesterday it was still a challenge to measure the tension on the suspension ropes, today the use of suspension straps requires new sensor technolo- gy and what will be tomorrow, the future will tell. New sensors are definitely needed. Compatibility between sensors and their evaluation should therefore be considered in any case. NEW PRODUCT LINES FOR BELTS Dinacell Electronica, headquartered in Spain and China, is a manufacturer of load measurement systems for a wide variety of applications – from agriculture and industry to conveyor and lifting technology – e. g. new product lines for belts. In the agricultural sector, there is even a cloud from Dinacell on request, which makes the re- quired measurement data permanently available to the operator. At the moment there are also thoughts of developing a similar solution for the elevator industry . ⇤ Sensoren werden auf jeden Fall benötigt. Eine Kompatibilität zwischen Sensoren und deren Auswertung sollte deshalb auf jeden Fall be- achtet werden. NEUE MESSTECHNIK FÜR TRAGGURTE Dinacell Electronica mit Hauptsitz in Spanien und China, ist Hersteller von Lastmess-Sys- temen für die unterschiedlichsten Anwen- dungsbereichen – von der Landwirtschaft, über die Industrie bis hin zur Förder- und Hebetechnik – zum Beispiel auch die neue Messtechnik für Traggurte. Im Bereich der Landwirtschaft gibt es auf Wunsch sogar eine Cloud von Dinacell, die die erforderlichen Messdaten permanent für die Betreiber zur Verfügung stellt. Derzeit denkt man auch darüber nach, eine ähnliche Lösung für die Aufzugsbranche zu entwickeln. ⇤ 23 PRODUKTE PRODUCTS
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