LIFTjournal 1-2021

Fotos: ©Maspero Elevatori us involved in the design and construction of the support structures for the running track”, com- ments Andrea Maspero, CEO of Maspero Elevatori. AESTHETIC HARMONY WITH THE PARTHENON The work was conducted in close collaboration with the Onassis Foundation, the Greek Ministry of Culture and the archaeologists of the Central Archaeological Council to develop the best so- lution not only from a technical and safety point of view, but also in aesthetic harmony with a monument such as the Parthenon. The lift, which in its travel has a change of inclination which goes from 38° to 78° in just over 40 meters, connects Peripatos with Erechtheum on the north side of the Acropolis in just thirty- two seconds. The cabin has a load capacity of 1,250 kilograms and can carry up to 16 people (2 people in wheelchairs with their attendants). The system was designed to be able to trans- port an ambulance stretcher with a companion in an emergency. The cabin, made of laminated glass, is completely transparent and offers pas- sengers the opportunity to enjoy a “unique view”, stresses Maspero Elevatori. SAFETY ON A DIFFICULT PATH The technological devices made by Maspero Elevatori for this inclined lift allow for speed of ascent and descent and guarantee transport in safety on a decidedly difficult path. During the movement, a mechanical safety system ensures the levelling of the cabin. In addition, an electro- nic control system monitors the maintenance of the correct speed and, in the absence of electrical power supply, brings the lift back to the floor. A computerized signalling system is also able, through five sensors, which are programmed to measure any fault or problem, to promptly notify the anomaly, automatically activating emergency procedures in case of damage to the appliance, seismic shocks, strong wind, ice or with people stucked in the cabin. In order to adapt to the geographical area, which is characterized by even very harsh win- ters, the inclined lift is equipped with sensors that, when very low external temperatures are reached, activate it every 10 minutes to avoid the creation of ice on the runways that could compromise the route. The inclined lift of Maspero Elevatori was approved by a notified body for the market for electrically operated lifts with an inclined track according to the Lift Directive 2014/33/EU toge- ther with the European standard EN 81-22 har- monized under it. ⇤ On 3 December, Maspero Elevatori official- ly handed over to the Onassis Foundation and to the Greek State the inclined pano- ramic lift that the company has made to measure to enable equal access to the Acropolis of Athens. M aspero Elevatori – specialised in the design, construction and maintenance of special lift systems for people and goods – was awarded the contract in February 2020. The installation, which will allow the trans- port of wheelchairs, shall not only solves a prac- tical problem, but also has a symbolic value by making access to a monument that is an integral part of the country's cultural legacy as well as the UNESCO heritage of humanity since 1987, stresses the company. "What we have created at the Acropolis is a complete project, built based on the topography of the area and geotechnical data, which also saw Fahrkorb biete den Passagieren einen „einzigar- tigen Panoramablick“, betont Maspero Elevatori. SICHERHEIT AUF SCHWIERIGEN PFADEN Die technologischen Vorrichtungen, die von Maspero Elevatori für diesen Schrägaufzug her- gestellt wurden, ermöglichen einen schnellen und sicheren Transport auf einem ausgespro- chen schwierigen Weg. Während der Fahrt sorgt ein mechanisches Sicherheitssystem für die Ni- vellierung des Fahrkorbs. Zusätzlich überwacht eine elektronische Steuerung die Einhaltung der korrekten Geschwindigkeit und bringt den Aufzug im Falle eines Stromausfalls wieder auf sicheren Boden. Ein computergestütztes Signalsystem ist au- ßerdem in der Lage, etwaige Störungen durch fünf Sensoren, die auf die Messung jeglicher Feh- ler oder Probleme programmiert sind, sofort zu melden. Es kann zudem im Falle einer Beschädi- gung der Anlage, seismischer Erschütterungen, starkem Wind, Eis oder bei eingeklemmten Per- sonen im Fahrkorb automatisch Notfallmaßnah- men auslösen. Zur Anpassung an die geografische Lage – in der auch durchaus sehr strenge Winter vorkom- men – ist der Schrägaufzug mit Sensoren aus- gestattet, die ihn bei sehr niedrigen Außentem- peraturen alle zehn Minuten aktivieren. Damit wird die Bildung von Eis auf den Fahrschienen verhindert, wodurch die Fahrt beeinträchtigt werden könnte. Der Schrägaufzug von Maspero Elevatori wurde gemäß der Aufzugsrichtlinie 2014/33/EU mit der darunter harmonisierten europäischen Norm EN 81-22 für elektrisch betriebene Auf- züge mit geneigter Fahrbahn durch eine no- tifizierte Stelle für den Markt zugelassen. ⇤ 15 PRODUKTE  PRODUCTS