LIFTjournal 1-2021

Foto: ©alphaspirit/123RF/istock/Montage AKTUELLE IFC-VIEWER UND CDES Das „BIM-Handwerkszeug“ für den bran- chenübergreifenden Modellaustausch sind IFC-Viewer und BIM-Projektplattformen. Einige Beispiele für den Einstieg: IFC-Viewer: . BIMcollabZOOM von Kubus . FZKViewer des Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) . BIMVision von datacomp . DDSCAD von Data Design Systems BIM-Projektplattformen mit IFC-Viewern: . TrimbleConnect von Trimble . Bimsync von Cantenda . Aconnex von Oracle . Squirrel von Sie finden die direkten Links auf unserer Website. CURRENT IFC VIEWER AND CDES The “BIM toolset” for cross-sector model exchange comprise the IFC viewer and BIM project platforms. Some examples for getting started: IFC viewer: . BIMcollabZOOM by Kubus . FZKViewer of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) . BIMVision by datacomp . DSCAD by Data Design Systems BIM project platforms with IFC viewers: . TrimbleConnect by Trimble . Bimsync by Cantenda . Aconnex by Oracle . Squirrel by You can find the direct links on our website. conveyance height and intended use of the lift can already be deduced from it. Pre-design of the lift technology is already possible in this phase, because the building design information needed at this point is limited to certain geometries: in this phase, it requires a model in LOD100 with the space requirements for the shaft including shaft head and pit. This already permits the develop- ment of various building versions. Schematic design phase: This begins with expanded requirements. The building planning now provides additional building geometries, fire protection requirements, a definition of the precise use, user groups and also precise requi- rements on the car. Based on this, a detailed lift model is produced in LOD200. This includes objects and information in need of coordination – for example, the breaches for ventilation, shaft smoke extraction and electrical installations wi- th the structural model. The landing doors and display- and operating elements are included for coordination with the building planning. Design development (or detailed design) phase: Here the schematic design phase is re- peated in more detail with an LOD300 model; for example, anchor rails, control cabinets and much more are included. The greater degree of detail permits further steps in designing the structure. TOOLS AND COMPETENCES You need two tools and competences in the com- pany in order to take part in the interdisciplinary model exchange. On the one hand, the design and modelling software used in the company is required to provide an IFC-interface and someone has to be capable of configuring the IFC import and export. On the other, a tool is required for checking the models received or which you wish to send. You can start with an IFC viewer. There is now a wide selection of different and in part even free solutions. Video tutorials render learning how to operate them easy (see page 10). This is already all of the equipment and know- how needed for getting started with digital mo- del-based cooperation – it is easy to learn and handling it is not rocket science. ⇤ Dipl.-Ing. architect Andreas Pilot is BIM-Manager, head of the BIM studio in the Department of Archi- tecture at the Technical University of Darmstadt and chairman of the guideline committee VDI Sheet 11.5 BIM-lift technology. Das Rüstzeug für den Einstieg in die digitale modellbasierte Zusammenarbeit ist leicht zu erlernen, damit umzugehen keine Raketenwissenschaft./ The equipment and know-how needed for getting started with digital model-based cooperation is easy to learn and handling it is not rocket science. LIFT journal  01. 2021 10 PERSPEKTIVEN  PERSPECTIVES