LIFTjournal 6-2020
BY Andreas Pilot “Digital twins” of lifts and buildings repre sent a new dimension of digitalisation – a challenge and opportunity for everyone who plans, constructs and operates lifts. I n general, the aim of digital twins is to collect and preserve all relevant information or refe rences to it in a central location. A "glimpse into the model" alone is already helpful for al most all processes related to lift technology. To ensure such a digital twin is capable of versatile use, the model has to be correctly designed and its data properly maintained. Buildings and lifts built in reality are the result of many heads and hands – this also applies to their digital twins. For example, improved presen tations, well-coordinated planning, well-founded comparisons of versions or the simulation of dif ferent scenarios can be created. Digital twins are the foundation for intelligent building operation and needs-based maintenance. Components of a digital twin Digital twins are frequently created long be fore their analogue equivalents. A lift model is a so-called “specialist model”; the respective lift planning department is responsible for it. In the openBIM process, an exported model serves as a basis for the other parties involved in the planning for their particular plannings. Conse quently, it is called the “reference model” and not changed by others. For example, if you assemble different specialist models in a model viewer for coordination, the combined model created in this method is also called “coordination model”. Standardisation If all models are exclusively created and ex changed with one software program, this is known as “closed BIM”. If they are created by different software programs, the method is cal led “open BIM”. As is already the case with CAD and PDF, uniform interfaces and data formats as well as standardised model contents are nee ded for international non-proprietary, openBIM model exchange. In 2000, the buildingSMART organisation created the IFC (Industry Founda tion Classes) format and since then has further developed it continuously. The planning sector currently uses the IFC Version 2x3, partly Version 4. However, IFC does not yet provide everything needed for modelling and creating content for all BIM usecases. As an open format, IFC can be extended by additional individual parameters and parametersets. As a BIM Building Information Modeling, kurz BIM, ist eine Arbeitsmethode, die eine vernetzte und part- nerschaftliche Planung, Ausführung und Betrieb von Gebäuden ermöglicht. Die Bauwerksdaten werden dabei digital erfasst und strukturiert zusammengefasst. Grundlage von BIM ist ein 3D-Computermodell. BIM Building Information Modeling, BIM for short, is a method that enables collaborative and joint plan- ning, construction and operation of buildings. Data is stored digitally, structured and centralized. BIM is based on a 3D computer model. ISO 16739-1:2018, in die DIN-Norm DIN EN 17549- 1:2020-10 (Entwurf) und wird in der VDI-Richtlinie 2552 behandelt und um inhaltliche Festlegungen ergänzt. Neben ganz handfesten BIM-Anwendungs- fällen werden in den Unterblättern des Blatt 11 der Richtlinienreihe VDI 2552 auch die daraus abgeleiteten notwendigen Erweiterungen des IFC-Standards um spezifische Attribute beschrie- ben. Ergänzt werden unter anderem branchen- spezifische und durch nationale Besonderheiten erforderliche Angaben. Richtlinien-Entwurf für zweites Quartal geplant Das „VDI / bS 2552 Blatt 11.5 Building Informa tion Modeling – Informationsaustauschanforde- rungen; Aufzugstechnik“ wird voraussichtlich im zweiten Quartal des Jahres 2021 als Richtlinien- Entwurf veröffentlicht. Es umfasst zunächst die Phasen Vorplanung, Angebotsplanung und die Ausführungsplanung. Neben den für die jeweiligen Phasen erforder- lichen Prozessen beschreibt es die erforderlichen Angaben (Input), die jeweils erforderliche Model- lierung und die Ergebnisse (Output). Weiterhin wird das Zusammenspiel zwischen Fachmodell Aufzugstechnik und Gebäudemodell beschrieben und die Verantwortlichkeiten werden benannt. Der Richtlinienentwurf bietet die Möglichkeit der Mitgestaltung mittels eines öffentlichen Einspruchsverfahrens (Weitere Informationen: ). Alle interessierten Personen können sich üb- rigens an der VDI-Richtlinienarbeit beteiligen. Die Mitarbeit hat zwei Vorteile: Dadurch kann man den zukünftigen Standard mitgestalten und bekommt außerdem einen Einblick in die kom- menden Entwicklungen. ⇤ Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Andreas Pilot ist BIM-Manager, Leiter des BIM Studios am Fachbereich Architektur der TU Darmstadt und Vorsitzender des Richtlinien- ausschusses VDI 2552 Blatt 11.5 BIM–Aufzugstechnik. result, all information needed can then be trans ported by project-specific definitions. Binding standard In order to be able tomove fromproject-related pro prietary additions to non-proprietary formats, the open and international standard must also apply to the planning, construction and operation of buil dings and lifts in Germany and include all sectors. Consequently, the IFC standard IFC4 ADD2 TC1 has been included in the ISO standard ISO 16739-1:2018, in the DIN standard DIN EN 17549-1:2020-10 (draft) and is taken into account in the VDI guidline 2552, with supplementary specifications. Apart from specific BIM usecases, the sub- sheets of Sheet 11 of the VDI 2552 guideline series also describe the expansions of the IFC standard deduced from it in terms of specific attributes. Among other things, this includes information about sector-specific and national characteristics. Guideline draft planned for second quarter The “VDI/bS 2552 Sheet 11.5 Building Information Modeling – information exchange requirements; lift technology” is expected to be published in the second quarter of 2021 as draft guideline. It describes the phases pre-planning, offer plan ning and execution planning. Apart from the processes needed for each phase, it describes the input required and the mo delling and output required in each usecase. In addition, the collaboration between the lift tech nology model and building model is described and the responsibilities are defined. The draft guideline offers the option of participating in a public objection procedure (more information: . All interested parties can participate in the VDI guideline work. The participation has two advantages: You can help to design the future standard and in addition get an insight into the future developments. ⇤ Dipl.-Ing. architect Andreas Pilot is BIM-Manager, head of the BIM studio in the Department of Architecture at the TU Darmstadt and chairman of the guideline committee VDI Sheet 11.5 BIM-lift technology. 09 Perspektiven Perspectives
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