LIFTjournal 5/2020

Hönnige: When company bosses talk about the shortage of skilled labour in their businesses, they often say, “We need good people.” What they mean are skilled workers who are highly qualified, motivated, high performers and as ex- perienced as possible. Skilled workers, e.g. from the automotive industry and its subcontractors, who are becoming available increase the chan- ces of finding employees who are motivated and prepared to work. By means of targeted further education and training in the lift sector, the shor- tage of qualified skilled employees can certainly be ameliorated for some companies. In Europe, many envy our dual track trai- ning system. Would the situation be better if the lift sector had an apprenticeship of its own? Hönnige: A training profession especially for lifts, e.g. lift fitter or lift technician, would at any rate boost visibility of the lift sector as a professional option and as a result contribute to improving the situation. In fact, there are already existing training professions that have a great content overlap with the requirements for lifts. The specialisation or deepening in the “subject lift building” specified in the training certificate has to be enforced vis-à-vis the chambers. How can SME companies hold their own against the competition of big company groups if they headhunt employees with salaries the former cannot pay? Hönnige: Money isn’t everything. Soft factors are likewise important for many employees, such as flexibility, the journey to the workplace, relation- ship with colleagues and superiors, appreciation, etc. SMEs can also deploy their strengths self- confidently in recruiting. On top of this is the fact that SMEs also have good wages. You have been the chairman of the “Safety, Education and Training Committee” since the beginning of 2019. What is the goal of the working group – what has to happen at the European level? Hönnige: In brief, the committee has two main ob- jectives. First, this is defining practical rules for safe working on lifts and also for their safe use, and secondly defining the specialist knowledge that has to be acquired as a minimum according to the relative activity in the lift sector. When it comes to the subject of safety rules, we are well along the road with the “safety brochure” of the ELA, which will incidentally soon be available in a revised version. When it comes to the subject of qualification, only a few countries offer struc- tured further training and education. Fortunately, in Germany, we really are in a very good position thanks to what the VFA-Akademie offers. Our ex- perience in Germany will now help us to promote a minimum qualification level for Europe. What do members saying about the situa- tion in Europe? Hönnige: The shortage of skilled labour is a Euro- pean, indeed, a worldwide issue. “Good people” are sought after and welcome everywhere. ⇤ The questions were asked by Ulrike Lotze. Wie können sich mittelständische Unter- nehmen gegen die Konkurrenz der Kon- zerne behaupten, wenn diese ihnen die Mitarbeiter mit Gehältern abwerben, die sie selbst nicht zahlen können? Hönnige: Geld ist nicht alles. Für viele Beschäf- tigten sind weiche Faktoren ebenfalls wichtig, wie z. B. Flexibilität, Weg zum Arbeitsplatz, Verhältnis zu Kollegen und Vorgesetzten, Wertschätzung, etc. Auch die Mittelständler können ihre Stärken selbstbewusst beim Recruiting einsetzen. Dazu kommt, dass auch im Mittelstand durchaus gut bezahlt wird. Seit Anfang 2019 sind Sie Vorsitzender des „Safety, Education and Training Committee“. Welches Ziel hat die Arbeits- gruppe – wasmuss auf europäischer Ebene geschehen? Hönnige: Kurz zusammengefasst sind die beiden Hauptziele des Komitees erstens die Definition praxisgerechter Regeln für das sichere Arbeiten an Aufzügen und auch für deren sichere Nutzung, und zweitens die Definition der Fachkenntnis- se, die nach jeweiliger Tätigkeit in der Aufzugs- branche mindestens erworben werden müssen. Beim Thema Sicherheitsregeln sind wir mit der „Sicherheitsbroschüre“ der ELA, die übrigens bald in überarbeiteter Version verfügbar sein wird, auf einem guten Stand. Beim Thema Quali- fizierung haben nur wenige Länder in Europa eine strukturierte Aus- und Weiterbildung zu bieten. In Deutschland sind wir glücklicherweise durch das Angebot der VFA-Akademie sehr gut aufge- stellt. Unsere Erfahrungen in Deutschland helfen uns nun, einen Mindest-Qualifizierungslevel für Europa auf den Weg zu bringen. Was berichten die Mitglieder über die Situation in Europa? Hönnige: Der Fachkräftemangel ist ein euro- päisches, wenn nicht weltweites Thema. „Gute Leute“ sind überall gesucht und willkommen.  ⇤ Die Fragen stellte Ulrike Lotze. Foto: © Matthias Frank Schmidt/VFA-Interlift Andreas Hönnige “By means of targeted further education and training in the lift sector, the shortage of qualified skilled employees can certainly be ameliorated for some companies.” 12 PERSPEKTIVEN  PERSPECTIVES LIFT journal  05. 2020