LIFTjournal 4/2020

g leicht gemacht! erhalten Sie unter anderem für folgende Hersteller: Schindler QKS 6 QKS 7 QKS 8 QKS 9 QKS 10 QKS 11 Varidoor Sematic ADC 10 ADC 11 2000 2010 3DC F 28 F 29 Encoder Dynamo Peignen A 30 A 40 A 45 CA 72 CA 73 Prisma Concord Linear DOS Micro MS40 Sinus Drive s 70 40 70 00 50 Orly 50CC 91 40 H 2000 P 1100 DS LY teleskop L S erungspakete finden Sie in unserem Bildverzeichnis unter Wilmsberger Weg 8 · D-48565 Steinfurt· Tel.: +49 (2552) 92 7 91 0 · www "Find your door" 2019/20 Fordern Sie die Tür-Bibel als Set gleich unter an! Türmodernisierung leicht gemacht! Unsere Umbaupakete erhalten Sie unter anderem für folgende Hersteller: Thyssen D6C D6C M2Z F2K F9 M2 M2 Kette M2-W M2 W1 M2 W2 M2T-D4 M2TW1G2D M2Z-D6 M2Z W1 M3TK 1 M3TK 2 M4Z G1 Schindler QKS 6 QKS 7 QKS 8 QKS 9 QKS 10 QKS 11 Varidoor Sematic ADC 10 ADC 11 2000 2010 3DC F 28 F 29 Encoder Dynamo Peignen A 30 A 40 A 45 CA 72 CA 73 Prisma Concord Linear DOS Micro MS40 Sinus Drive Otis 6770 6940 6970 7300 9550 Orly 9550CC 9691 9940 H DO 2000 GMP 1100 MRDS ORLY teleskop OVL RBS Kone ADB ADB 3 ADC ADC 2 ADC 3 ADC X ADF ADM ADR ADV ADX AMD Fiam OAK OAK 55 Diese und weitere Modernisierungspakete finden Sie in unserem Bildverzeichnis unt er www.lul-ing.d e. Wilmsberger Weg 8 · D-48565 Steinfurt· Tel .: +49 (2552) 92 7 91 0 · www.lul-ing.d e "Find your door" 2019/20 Fordern Sie die Tür-Bibel als Set gleich unt er www.lul-ing.d e an! Türmodernisierung leicht gemacht! Unser Umbaupaket erhalten Sie unter ander m für folgende Hersteller: Thyssen D6C D6C M2Z F2K F9 M2 M2 Kette M2-W M2 W1 M2 W2 M2T-D4 M2TW1G2D M2Z-D6 M2Z W1 M3TK 1 M3TK 2 M4Z G1 Schindler QKS 6 QKS 7 QKS 8 QKS 9 QKS 10 QKS 1 Varido r Sematic ADC 10 ADC 1 20 2010 3DC F 28 F 29 Encoder Dynamo Peignen A 30 A 40 A 45 CA 72 CA 73 Prisma Concord Linear DOS Micro MS40 Sinus Drive Otis 67 0 6940 6970 730 95 0 Orly 95 0C 9691 9 40 H DO 20 GMP 1 0 MRDS ORLY tel skop OVL RBS Kone ADB ADB 3 ADC ADC 2 ADC 3 ADC X ADF ADM ADR ADV ADX AMD Fiam OAK OAK 5 Dies und weiter Modernisierungspakete finden Sie in unser m Bildverzeichnis unter w .lu . Wilmsberger Weg 8 · D-48565 Steinfurt· Tel.: +49 (25 2) 92 7 91 0 · w .lu "Find your door" 2019/20 Fordern Sie die Tür-Bibel als Set gleich unter w .lu an! April 2019 im chinesischen Shenzhen einen „Award of Excellence“ in der Kategorie „Innovation“. Schindler ist sehr erfreut über die neue Automatisierungslösung: „Automatisierung ist ein vieldiskutiertes Thema in der Baubranche. Liftschächte eignen sich dank ihres geometrisch schlichten Aufbaus für digitales Bauen. Wir kön- nen nun mit diesem autonomen System die Di- gitalisierung direkt auf die Baustelle bringen“, lautet Studers Fazit. Der Aufzugkonzern will das autonome System auf Basis eines ABB-Roboters künftig vermehrt einsetzen.  ⇤ autonomous installation system that pushes itself from floor to floor via an automated winch – and thereby, according to its developers, breaks completely new ground. R.I.S.E was deployed for the first time under everyday conditions during the installation of the lifts in the building project “The Circle” at Zurich Airport. ROBOT WORKS FLEXIBLY IN THE SHAFT In R.I.S.E the robot is attached to a platform that pulls itself upwards and caulks in the lift shaft via a winch system. One difficulty is that program- ming the robot to always drill with millimetre accuracy at exactly the same coordinates was not simple. It is always placed differently in the lift shaft and therefore has to adjust its drilling coordinates dynamically. The drilling points are admittedly in general prescribed, but the robot scans the shaft wall additionally to discover whether there is a rein- forcement rod behind it or whether the concrete surface is uneven. The installation system calcu- lates tolerance limits on the basis of algorithms and then drills the hole offset. OUTWITTING THE ROBOT CONTROLLER “To guide the robot arm precisely to the drilling points for each new zero point in the three-dimen- sional space, we had to outwit the robot controller as it were, since it is not designed for this,” explained Christian Studer, Head New Technologies at Schind- ler. After the drilling – during which sensors also check whether the drill hole was realised correctly – the robot hammers in the anchor bolt. A camera is installed on the platform for re- mote monitoring and all drilling data are logged, but the system in general operates autonomously and therefore does not need any external moni- toring and control. It can be introduced into the lift shaft and carries out its work independently round the clock until all anchor bolts have been placed. PROTOTYPE IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION The system has now been used in several new lift installations. According to Studer, the sturdy robot did not fail once on these occasions. The R.I.S.E, including the robot technology of ABB, has already received an important award: the Council of Tall Buildings & Urban Habitat gave it an “Award of Excellence” in the “Innovation” ca- tegory in April 2019 in Shenzhen at the Tall+Urban Innovation Conference. Schindler is very pleased with the new automa- tion solution, “There is a lot of discussion about automation in the building industry. Thanks to their geometrically simply structure, lift shafts are suitable for digital building. We can now bring digitalisation directly to the building site with this autonomous system,” Studer concluded. In future, the lift company intends to make more use of the system based on an ABB robot. ⇤ „Um bei diesem jeweils neuen Nullpunkt im dreidimensionalen Raum den Roboterarm exakt an die Bohrpunkte heranzuführen, mussten wir die Robotersteuerung, die nicht dafür ausgelegt ist, gewissermaßen überlisten.“ CHRISTIAN STUDER HEAD NEW TECHNOLOGIES 19 PRODUKTE  PRODUCTS