LIFTjournal 4/2020
Programmable electronic systems are replacing safety-relevant mechanical components to an increasing extent. This considerably simplifies and accelerates both inspection as well as maintenance. TÜV Süd explains how lift operators and manufacturers can benefit from digitali - sation and what this has to do with the Eiffel Tower. L ifts continue to be one of the safest means of transport. Up to now, their safety-related functions have for the most part been rea- lised by mechanical-electrical components. For example, most lifts have separate shaft copying and speed governor equipment in addition to landing, limit and inspection switches. Electronic components have to date been fitted with safety functions only in isolated cases. Programmable electronic systems, so-called PESSRAL (Programmable Electronic System in Safety-Related Applications for Lifts) bundle the- se functions and in this way replace mechanical components that are maintenance-intensive and prone to aging. The software-aided systems permit a higher safety standard, because they react dynamically to dangerous situations. Fewer components me- an lower procurement and maintenance costs as well as shortened standstills due to inspections or repairs. The risk of accidental faults, for exam ple due to material fatigue, also falls. REMOTE MONITORING AND PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE The maintenance effort also declines thanks to new options for remote monitoring and remote services. Operation can be monitored via the IoT (Internet of Things) and anomalies detected im- mediately – the basis for predictive maintenance: maintenance measures and repairs can be plan- ned on a long-term basis and the budget better calculated after risk-oriented prioritisation on the basis of lift-specific reliability characteristics calculated for components and subsystems. aktualisieren. Weitere Punkte betreffen die Konfiguration der datentechnischen Vernetzung sowie das Management von Berechtigungen, Passwörtern und Authentifizierungen. PASSGENAUE LÖSUNG Aufgrund ihrer Individualität sind Schrägaufzüge als maßgeschneiderte Anlagen mit modernsten Sicherheitsfunktionen oft technische Vorreiter und richtungsweisend für die Branche. Bei den deutlich kostenintensiveren Sonderlösungen verfügen die Entwickler meist über mehr Budget, um neue technische Möglichkeiten auszuloten. Diese definieren wiederum den veränderten Stand der Technik. So auch bei den Schrägaufzügen des Pari- ser Eiffelturms. Im Zuge einer Runderneue- rung der Fahrkörbe in den vergangenen Jahren wurden auch wesentliche Sicherheitsbauteile ausgetauscht. „Die Renovierung des Nordlifts wird neben einer effizienteren Ausstattung die Empfangsbedingungen für Besucher, aber auch die Arbeit der SETE-Mitarbeiter verbessern, die durch modernere Anlagen erleichtert wird“, so Stéphane Roussin, Projektleiter bei der Eiffel- turm-Betreibergesellschaft SETE. PESSRAL soll dabei unter anderem den elek- tronischen Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzer ersetzen. Der TÜV Süd wurde mit den Baumusterprüfungen einzelner Komponenten beauftragt. Das beson- dere an PESSRAL: Die Prüfgesellschaft muss jetzt schon zuverlässige Prüfverfahren entwickeln, für Systeme, die in Zukunft die Aufzugswelt be stimmen werden. So profitieren weltweit Betreiber von den Ent- wicklungen für den Eiffelturm. Wie andere Sonder- lösungen auch, dient er als Prototyp für moderne Sicherheitsfunktionen und deren Prüfung. ⇤ Jonas Conrady ist Abteilungsleiter New Technologies, TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH. Dr. Rolf Zöllner ist Head of Business Development Lifts, Cranes & Conveyors TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH Software is subject to no accidental, i.e. unavoid able, errors. It cannot age, deteriorate or wear out. Systematic errors must receive correspon dingly greater attention, e.g. interpretation errors of the software functions. They can be avoided with the help of suitable quality con- trolling on the basis of a management system for functional safety. The danger of intentional errors due to hacker attacks is new. Consequently, cyber security also has to be integrated in the life cycle of functional safety. This results in new requirements for ope- rators and maintenance companies: they have to ensure physical access to the lift controller and regularly check and update the safety-relevant software. Other points affect the configuration of the data-related networking and the manage- ment of authorisations, passwords and authen- tications. TAILOR-MADE SOLUTION Due to their individuality, inclined lifts, as tailor- made lifts with the latest safety functions, are often technical pioneers and ground-breaking for the sector. When it comes to the much more cost-intensive special solutions, developers usu- ally have a higher budget to explore new techni- cal possibilities. These in turn define the altered state of the art. This is also the case in the inclined lifts of the Parisian Eiffel Tower. In the course of an all- round renewal of the cars in recent years, im- portant safety components were also replaced. “Renovation of the north lift, in addition to more efficient equipment, will improve the reception conditions for visitors as well as the work of the SETE employees, which is simplified by the more modern lifts,” explained Stéphane Roussin, project manager at the Eiffel Tower operating company SETE. Among other things, PESSRAL is intended to replace the electronic speed governor. TÜV Süd was commissioned with the type approval test of individual components. The special feature of PESSRAL: the testing company already has to develop reliable testing procedures now for sys- tems that will determine the lift world in future. Consequently, operators worldwide will be- nefit from the developments for the Eiffel Tower. Like other special solutions, it also serves as a prototype for modern safety functions and their testing. ⇤ Jonas Conrady is department head New Technologies, TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH. Dr Rolf Zöllner is Head Business Development Lifts, Cranes & Conve- yors TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH 13 PERSPEKTIVEN PERSPECTIVES
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