LIFTjournal 4/2020
DIE NR. 1 IM SERVICE Hauer – the elevatorshop HAUER GmbH · An der Raumfabrik 31 A 76227 Karlsruhe Germany JETZT NEU: Versand am selben Tag – bestellen bis 16.30 Uhr Günstiger Expressversand – Kosten massiv reduziert Neue Servicezeiten – Mo. - Fr. 7.30 - 17.00 Uhr DIE NR. 1 IM SERVICE Hauer – the elevatorshop HAUER GmbH · An der Raumfabrik 31 A 76227 Karlsruhe Germany JETZT NEU: Versand am selben Tag – bestellen bis 16.30 Uhr Günstiger Expressversand – Kosten massiv reduziert Neue Servicezeiten – Mo. - Fr. 7.30 - 17.00 Uhr Examination of the winding behaviour of the rope on the drum was performed with laser pro- file scanners. For this purpose, they were moun- ted above the drum in one plane with its axis of rotation (Figs. 1 and 2) [1] and [2]. During the spooling of the rope, pictures of the drum surface were first made. The layers were then recorded one after another during the spoo- ling. The evaluation assigned each winding in the visual range of the scanner a characteristic point. The x-coordinates were normalized on the groove width in the presentation. As a result, distance 1 ideally exists between two windings (Fig. 2). The characteristic course of the rope in the multi-layer spooling arises from the necessary to and fro winding between the flanged wheels. When the uneven layers follow a left-turning helix, the even ones follow a right-turning helix. As a result, the winding height of the rope can no longer be consistent on the second layer. In the parallel area, the rope lies in the valley of the lower layer. In order to reach the next valley after every half drum turn, it has to run over the underlying winding. This produces the greater winding height in the cross section area. The course of the winding is presented in Fig. 3 and 4. The drum can be seen on the coordinate 0. Layers one to five can then be seen. Points that belong to a half-turn are grouped together with a black square. Fig. 3 shows an almost ideal typical course of a wire rope on a suitable drum with the correct application parameters, such as rope force, de- flection angle, etc. This ideal typical behaviour can be recognised by the parallel areas lying on top of each other and by the increasing height difference as the number of layers increase bet- ween the parallel and intersecting areas in one layer. USE AS LIVE MONITORING Analysis of the course of winding is the basis for optimising the interplay of rope and drum. Comparison of the winding packs of wire and fibre rope (Fig. 3 and 4) indicates the better win- ding quality for the wire rope on the basis of the greater symmetry of the wire rope winding pack. Further information is provided by comparing the experimentally determined position of the rope with a theoretically determined rope posi- tion. This also permits quantifying the winding quality. Apart from the gradual optimisation of the system, later use as live monitoring is also con- ceivable. As a result, imprecise winding can be detected directly upon occurrence and a critical operating condition prevented. Fig. 4 is an exemplary presentation of the course of winding of a fibre rope. Since the rope does not optimally match the drum, a winding error occurs:in the fifth layer the rope cuts into the fourth layer (relative winding position ap- prox. 0.8). If this jamming is not resolved during winding, the jerky rewinding would produce a critical operating condition with possibly cata- strophic effects. Thus, by using the procedure described here, optimised adjustment of rope and drum as well as monitoring in use can enhance safety in the rope-drum system. ⇤ Dr.-Ing. Martin Schulze, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Lohrengel (Institut für Maschinenwesen der TU Clausthal), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Vogel (GUT ACHTEN – Sachverständi- genbüro für Aufzugtechnik) [1] Schulze, Martin (2016): ‘Einsatz von Laser Profil Scannern bei der Mehrlagenwicklung von Seilen.’ [‘Use of laser profile scanners in multi-layer winding of ropes.’] In: Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Maschi- nenwesen der Technischen Universität Clausthal 41, p. 113–126. You will find the link to the detailed description of the construction on our website. [2] Schulze, Martin (2019): Kompatibilität von Faserseil und mehrlagig bewickelter Seiltrommel, Technische Universität Clausthal, Dissertation 11 PERSPEKTIVEN PERSPECTIVES
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