LIFTjournal 3/2020

Energiesparzeit: Tausendfach bewährt mit CO 2 und Feuchtigkeitssensorik Die Aufzugsschachtentrauchung So einfach - ein System für alle Schachthöhen und Anforderungen Aleatec GmbH Industriestr. 24 23879 Mölln Tel.: 04542 - 83 030 0 Fax: 04542 - 83 030 222 Lift emergency calling is also needed in the industrial sector! Telegärtner has the emergency call equipment needed in are- as at risk of explosions. K eywords like Operational Safety Ordi- nance, DIN EN 81-28 or migration of ana- logue connections (to mention just a few), have been indicators in recent years of a funda- mental reconsideration of lift emergency calls. The importance of the emergency call system and the frequently required transmission modules has been constantly increasing here and this is not going to change in the future. Particular protective measures are required in locations which ordinances and technical regulations define as at risk of explosion. Lift operators whose core business is in the chemical, petrochemical or pharmaceutical industry, for example, not only have to observe the require- ments mentioned, but also the ATEX regulations. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS IN THE INDUSTRIAL SECTOR For the operation of a lift this also means that the remote emergency call system also has to satisfy an extensive requirement profile. The ATEX Product Directive 2014/34/EU is fundamental in this regard. These European regulations apply to products used in areas at risk of explosions. Clear requirements have to be met, depending on the different classifications of device groups and categories (e.g. zones). FULFILMENT OF THE ATEX PRODUCT DIRECTIVE Telegärtner Elektronik provides a suitable emer- gency call device in the form of NRT 1 EX G3. As manufacturer, supplier and development com- pany, Telegärtner also meets the requirements for emergency call systems in areas at risk of explosions. The emergency call device is licensed accor- ding to the current version of the ATEX Product Directive 2014/34/EU. The pressure-proof encap- sulation provides protection against dust and gas in addition to explosions. The corresponding declaration of conformity was issued on the basis of further European standards. ON THE CAR ROOF The NRT 1 EX G3 is mounted on the car roof. The buttons and microphone prescribed by DIN EN 81-28 are already integrated in the base unit. The maximum rated current is 1 A with a DC supply between 18 V and 36 V. The large terminal compartment is accommo- dated in a housing made of fibre glass reinforced with polyester resin. The pressure-proof capsule consists of a non-copper (and seawater-resis- tant) aluminium alloy that houses the control unit. This solid design results in deadweight of about 20 kg. FURTHER ACCESSORIES The emergency call system is completed by ad- ditional components. Buttons, loudspeakers for installation on the car roof as well as in the car wall, flush- and rear-mounted microphones as well as an optical display are available (see too LIFTjournal 02/20, page 24). All accessory articles are designed and licensed analogously to NRT 1 EX G3 for areas at risk of explosion. The power supply required is guaranteed by a corresponding UPS system. CONNECTION Emergency calls and reports can be connected to the emergency call and service control centres that support the receipt and processing of the Telegärtner protocol. Telegärtner also has suitable campus solutions for industrial operators who force connections from Telegärtner systems to their own control centres (e.g. control stations, technology control rooms, factory fire brigades, etc.). As a result, pre-existing resources can be used, process chains expanded and other internal synergies achieved. ⇤ FRANK SPICKENEDER The author works in Telegärtner Elektronik­ distribution and is responsible for the emergency call department. 31 PRODUKTE  PRODUCTS