LIFTjournal 3/2020
^ REA3 ENA3 Wir haben mit Sicherheit die passende Lösung für Ihr UCM SYSTEM für jeden Aufzug mit beliebigem zertifizierten Bremsaktor for every control with every UCM-certified brake tel +43 2282 60310 • … keep it simple EN81-20 / 50 ZERTIFIZIERT TÜV AUSTRIA SERVICES GMBH LIFTSAFE AWM Elektronischer Aufzugswärter Electronic Lift Attendant ONE FOR ALL Für Hydraulik- und Seilaufzüge mit automatischen und/oder Drehtüren. For Hydraulic and rope lifts; with automatic and/or swing doors. ALL IN ONE Status-, Kontroll- und Fehlermeldungen, Abschaltung des Aufzuges bei schweren Fehlern. Status -, monitoring and error messages; On major errors the lift is turned off. Für mehr Details/For more details: Liftsafe 2 - modular Liftsafe 1 - kompakt NSE The Cedes iDiscovery adopts safety- relevant functions of a lift according EN 81-20 up to SIL3. The system is EU type examined by TÜV Rheinland. Later this year Cedes will launch an iDiscovery with enhanced inspection functionality. i Discovery, in conjunction with CEDES’ APS, is a PESSRAL system featuring a pure electro- nic overspeed governor to trip an electrically activated safety gear. According to Cedes, the system eliminates the need for many individu- al systems and components currently required by a conventional lift. In combination, the APS and iDiscovery significantly reduce the cost and complexity of the lift as well as installation and maintenance time. The iDiscovery monitors position and velo- city of the lift car as well as the status of the car doors, landing doors, and additional status signals of the lift such as emergency operation and inspection control switches. In the case of an unsafe condition, iDiscovery opens the safety chain. Further, iDiscovery provides two additio- nal output contacts, which trigger an auxilia- ry braking device and an electrically activated safety gear. SAFETY SPACES WITH REDUCED HEADROOM OR PIT Within this year, Cedes will launch an iDiscovery with enhanced inspection functionality. The ad- ditional functionality will safeguard the safety spaces for lifts with reduced headroom or pit (EN 81-21). In conjunction with an electrically ac- tivated safety gear, the pre triggered-stopping devices and movable stops currently used can be replaced. So the costs can be drastically reduced again, emphasized Cedes. iDiscovery is configured in the field on the job site. Safe configuration of the safety relevant parameters, rated speed and final limits, is per- formed with configuration clips that are moun- ted with the APS code tape. The safety-relevant configuration can also be changed in the field. No additional programming tool or pre gene rated parameter sets are required – configuration with configuration clips is free of hassle, accor- ding to Cedes. The on-site configuration makes it obsolete to manage and stock devices with diffe- rent preconfigured rated speeds. This allows for great flexibility and simplicity during the entire lifecycle at every stage – planning, installation and operation. The use of the configuration clips in com- bination with the floor indicator clips allows a fully automated teach process and leads to an 25 PRODUKTE PRODUCTS
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