LIFTjournal 3/2020
Technical Academy of Heilbronn eV Institute for further Education and Training at Heilbronn University 9 th European Lift Congress Heilbronn Challenges and Chances Concept and Chair: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Vogel Tuesday, Oct. 27 + Wednesday Oct. 28, 2020 supportet by International standardisation – status and trends WEEF – a cooperation to reach Global Safety by leveraging globally enforced standards and local needs Lifecycle assessment and environmental challenges European lift statistics – market data and accident figures Elevator market and industry in China Difficulties of applying EN and ISO elevator standards outside EU The Polish lift market – skilled workforce in elevator construction Conference Dinner Digitalisation of existing installation Functional safety – a core competence for future elevators and their components Cybersecurity: exploiting infrastructures and industrial control systems – explained and demonstrated live Lift monitoring – today, tomorrow and the future Innovative developments for elevator breaks IoT systems for elevators and integration with monitoring the discard criteria for suspension means Inside the Hyperloop vision: from a student competition to a full-scale system Program subject to modification Congress Hall Science Center Participation fee: 825,-€ (VAT free) incl. brochure, lunch, snacks, dinner Registration and further information from now on: Technical il ron eV Institute for further Educati i i at Heilbron University 9 th European Lift Congress Heilbronn Challenges and Chances Concept and Chair: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Vogel Tuesday, Oct. 27 + Wednesday Oct. 28, 2020 supportet by Internati nal standardisation – status and trends WEEF – a cooperation to reach Global Safety by l veraging globally enforced sta dards and local n eds Lifecycle assessme t and environmental challenges European lift statistics – market data and accident figures Elevator market and industry in China Difficulties of applying EN and ISO elevator standards outside EU The Polish lift market – skilled workforce in elevator construction Conference Dinner Digit li tion of existing installation Functional safety – a core competence for future elevators and their components Cybersecurity: exploiting infrastructures and industrial control systems – explained and demonstrated live Lift monitoring – today, tomorrow and the future Innovative developments for elevator breaks IoT systems for elevato s and integratio with monitoring the discard criteria for suspension means Inside the Hyperl op vision: from a student competition to a full-scale system Program subject to modification Congress Hall Science Center Participation fee: 825,-€ (VAT free) incl. brochure, lunch, snacks, dinner Registration and further information from now on: Gleichzeitig steigen die Qualitätsansprüche bei Investoren, Eigentümern und Mietern. Deshalb wird bei der Konzeption von solchen Gebäuden ein besonderes Augenmerk auf eine hochwertige Ausstattung gelegt. Nicht zuletzt betrifft dies auch die Aufzugsanlagen, bei denen ein erhöhter Komfort, exzellente Performance und eine geringe Geräuschentwick- lung im Fokus stehen. „HÖCHSTE LAUFRUHE“ Für diese Einsatzzwecke hat der Münchner Spezialist für Aufzugtüren Meiller eine neue Türserie entwickelt: die High- Performance-Tür Supra. „Neben den bei Meiller Standardtüren bewährten Qualitätsmerkmalen, wie z. B. extrem stabilen, doppelwandigen Türblättern oder stufenlos einstellbaren Türblattführungen, zeichnet sich die neue Tür durch höchste Laufruhe aus“, erklärt das Unternehmen. Dafür sorgten nicht zuletzt Laufrollen mit einem Durch- messer von 90 mm, die z. B. bei einer lichten Türbreite von 1100 mm nur ungefähr zwei Umdrehungen machen. Ein hochwer- tiges Kunststoffmaterial bewirke zusätzlich, dass die Rollen eine lange Lebensdauer haben und weniger anfällig für Ver- schleiß sind, betont Meiller. Um die Geräuschdämmung weiter zu verbessern, können die Türblätter zudem mit Steinwolle gefüllt werden, ohne dass dadurch die Zulassung der Brandprüfung nach EN 81-58, E 120, beeinträchtigt wird. ⇥ Meiller has developed a new door series: the high performance Supra door. Among other things, it should be characterised by extremely quiet running. T he worldwide trend to urbanisation has been evident for years. According to UN surveys, about 55 percent of the world’s population currently live in big cities or their catchment areas. The latest surveys predict this proportion will increase to 68 percent by 2050. Together with the continuing growth of the world’s populati- on, this means that for big cities in particular, corresponding re- sidential space has to be created. But since the area available is already becoming scarce, construction is increasingly upwards. QUALITY EXPECTATIONS RISING This applies not only to residential buildings, but in addition an increasing number of multi-storey, multi-functional buil- dings are being built, for example accommodating shops on the ground floor. The storeys above house doctors’ practices, law firms or offices. Private parties live in exclusive flats or lofts on the upper floors. At the same time, the quality expectations of investors, owners and tenants are increasing. Consequently, special attention is paid to high quality fittings when designing such buildings. This applies not least also to the lifts, where the “Apart from the quality features tried- and-tested in standard doors at Meiller the door runs extremely quietly.” 21 PRODUKTE PRODUCTS
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