LIFTjournal 1/2020
the standard connection to Kone’s digital plat- form and its secure open interface (API), DX lifts (“digital experience”) can be connected easily with every conceivable device and application. For example, these include service and de- livery robots in hotels, care institutions and industry, language assistants, indoor naviga- tion systems, building apps and entire building technology systems. Electric doors and gates can also communicate with the DX class as well as with correspondingly retrofitted lifts. LIFT MUSIC, SERVICE ROBOTS AND BUILDING NAVIGATION Kone is launching the service “Elevator Music” simultaneously with the DX lift class with the Spotify partner Soundtrack Your Brand, which provides licensed music on request via the di- gital platform. Kone is working with the Munich start-up Robotise to integrate the service robot Jeeves in the digital platform: in this way, Jeeves can use hotel lifts to bring guests tooth brushes, handkerchiefs and beverages for the minibar to the room door. In addition, Kone is cooperating with Blindsquare to integrate a lift language controller in the navigation app of the same name for blind passengers. PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE AND CONTROL OF LIFTS The integrated connectivity of DX lifts is also intended to make Kone services available im- mediately at any time: if an operator decides to use the predictive maintenance solution 24/7 Connect, activation should occur without a wai- ting period and additional installation expense, the company explained. The same applies to the digital lift attendant, which replaces the daily function check and is only offered by Kone. ⇤ Kone has launched its new DX lift class. “Their integrated connectivity is a first in the world,” explained the company. This is because DX lifts are linked as standard to Kone’s cloud-based platform and in this way are intended to make numerous smart services available to a wide market and a large number of users. T he digital services are provided by Kone and partners like Amazon, Blindsquare, Robotise and Soundtrack Your Brand. he company’s goal is complete networking of lifts with buildings, operators, service pro- viders and users. “We have effectively created unlimited opportunities with the DX class to operate buildings, but also entire city districts, more economically and sustainably,” explained Erik Kahlert, managing director of Kone Ger- many. According to Kone, sustainability means new digital services such as lift music on re- quest, calling the lift via Alexa, cloud-based info screens for lifts, foyers and corridors and the Kone Magic Mirror: these solutions make building use more attractive for owners and tenants and boost the value of the building across its entire service life. “The Kone Magic Mirror with its spectacular optical effects is an impressive demonstration of this,” according to Kone. “As if by magic, it transforms the mirrored car wall into a virtual window or into borderless integrated digital info screen on which operators can project pictures and videos.” DX LIFTS WITH INTEGRATED CONNECTIVITY The most important highlight of the new DX class is its integrated connectivity. Thanks to Die cloudbasierte digitale Plattform von Kone ist die Basis einer wachsenden Zahl digitaler Services des Unternehmens und seiner Partner wie den Aufzugruf via Amazon Alexa oder den Music-on-demand- Dienst „Elevator Music“. The cloud-based digital platform of Kone is the basis of a growing number of digital services from the company and its partners, such as lift call via Amazon's Alexa or the mu- sic-on-demand service “Elevator Music”. M M BMA LSF7000 Lift °C GLT LT HSE CO ² AUMÜLLER AUMATIC GMBH Gemeindewald 11 86672 Thierhaupten Fon +49 8271 8185-0 Fax +49 8271 8185-250 31 PRODUKTE PRODUCTS
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