LIFTjournal 1/2020
depth and detecting objects and situations in their context. The stereo vision is covered by a left imager and right imager as well as an infrared pro- jector. The infrared projector projects static IR patterns to improve depth precision in scenes with lower texture. The left and right imagers cover the scene in the defined safety zone and send raw picture data back to the video processor, which calculates depth values for each pixel in the picture by correlating points on the left to right image and via the change between one point on the left image and right image. The depth pixel values are processed to generate a depth frame. The subsequent depth frames ensure a depth video stream. An algorithm detects and calculates defined objects and situations from the depth video stream and controls the doors depending on the situation. This makes it possible enhance passenger safety and greatly reduce the risk of accidents at lift doors. This has many positive effects such as greater lift availability, lower repair and breakdown costs and lower liability costs for lift owners. ⇤ DIE VORTEILE: • View DoorSense überwacht anstatt einer zweidimensionalen Zone im Türbereich einen frei definierbaren Sicherheits-Quader • Mehr als bloße Anwesenheitsdetektion: View DoorSense ist in der Lage, Personen, Objekte und Situationen zu erkennen und – unterstützt durch künstliche Intelligenz – das geeignete Türverhalten zu steuern • Der „3D“-Sicherheits-Quader gewährleistet einen in den Türvorraum erweiterten Schutz • Die Verletzungsgefahr für Fahrgäste und Haustiere durch Schachttüren wird deutlich verringert • Türbeschädigungen durch Einkaufswagen, Gabelstapler oder Krankenhausbetten werden vermieden • Die Türöffnungshaltezeit wird reduziert und die Effizienz des Aufzugs gesteigert. THE ADVANTAGES: • View DoorSense monitors a freely definable safety zone instead of a two-dimensional zone in the door area • More than mere presence detection: View DoorSense is capable of detecting people, objects and situations and managing the appropriate door behaviour, supported by artificial intelligence • The “3D” safety zone guarantees expanded protection in the area in front of the door • The risk of injury by landing doors for passengers and pets is greatly reduced • Damage to doors by shopping trolleys, fork lifts or hospital beds is avoided • The door opening stop time is cut and the efficiency of the lift boosted. Photo: © View Elevator Tiefenkamera / depth camera Sicherheits-Quader / safety zone Bildabgleichs- und Bilderkennungs-Algorithmus Image matching and image recognition algorithm 23 PRODUKTE PRODUCTS
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