R+T 2018 Messezeitung Nr.4

2 R+T Aktuell / News Park erwartet Sie nach wie vor die Sonderschau „Outdoor Ambi- ente Living“. Sie bietet Ihnen einen umfassenden Überblick da- rüber, wie den Anforderungen der Hotellerie und Gastronomie mit innovativen Produkten Rechnung getragen werden kann.Vie- le von Ihnen haben sich bereits vor Ort davon überzeugt, wie mit den Systemen die Freiluftsaison verlängert und optimiert werden kann, indem sie zuverlässig vor Sonne,Wind und Regen schützen. Gut besucht wurde ebenso das „R+T Smart Home Forum“ am Stand des Bundesverbandes Rollladen und Sonnenschutz e.V. Die angeregten Diskussionen während der Vorträge und Podiumsdis- kussionen sind ein zuverlässiges Barometer dafür, wie wichtig die- se Thematik für Sie als Fachbesucher ist. Nutzen Sie die Gelegen- heit, sowohl heute als auch morgen noch mal vor Ort mit dabei zu sein! Ebenfalls eine erfolgreiche Premiere auf der R+T 2018 konnte der „2nd International Congress – Automatic Doors“ verbuchen. Die durch nationale sowie internationale Torverbände vorgestellten länderübergreifenden Thematiken fanden großen Anklang – es wurde ausführlich diskutiert. Etabliert: Bewährte Veranstaltungen Auch unsere bereits bewährten Programmpunkte kamen an al- len Messetagen durchweg gut bei Ihnen an! So zum Beispiel das „Torforum“, bei dem Sie mehrereVerbände und Institutionen, wie zum Beispiel der BVT –Verband Tore, das ift Rosenheim und erst- try through the subjects tackled and that by doing so, together with our partners, we have been able to offer clear added value to your attendance of the R+T 2018. Successful: our premieres We have got very positive feedback about the devel- opment of the West Entrance and our optimised hall concept, both from trade visitors as well as from the exhibitors – we were very pleased to hear this! In Rothaus Park you can as before expect to see the spe- cial exhibition “Outdoor Ambiente Living.” It provides you with a comprehensive overview of how to make allowance for the requirements of hotels and restau- rants with innovative products. Many of you have al- ready been able to satisfy yourselves on the spot of how the open air season can be prolonged and opti- mised with the systems by providing reliable protec- tion against sun, wind and rain. The “R+T Smart Home Forum” at the stand of the Na- tional Association Roller Shutters and Sun Protection was also well attended. The lively discussions during the talks and podium discussions are a reliable barom- eter for how important this subject is to you as trade visitors. Take the opportunity to be there again today as well as tomorrow. The “2nd International Congress – Automatic Doors” was able to register a successful premiere at the R+T 2018. The international subjects presented by national and international door associations enjoyed a great response – they were thoroughly discussed. Established: tried-and-tested events Our tried-and-tested programme points have also enjoyed a good re- sponse from you on every trade fair day. For example the“Door Forum” at which several associations and institutions, such as the BVT – Asso- ciation Doors/Gates, the ift Rosenheim, and for the first time, theTrade Association Door Automation e.V. (FTA), will provide you with informa- tion on the latest trends and developments related to doors and gates. Subjects such as revised standards, CE-marking of gates, the safe op- eration of booms or the influence of Industry 4.0 on the gate industry were and are on the agenda. This is because our experts are looking forward to seeing you today and tomorrow! The main subject of the ift Rosenheim is “Comfort + Safety” with the emphasis on automated doors and gates. The presentation of safety and application-oriented doors, gates, windows and shading takes centre stage here. Based on the products exhibited, in the talk forum and action zones, many of you have already learnt more about how structural features specifically influence the quality and safety of gates and doors and how these depend on the application purpose. If you have not yet had any opportunity to drop by the special exhibition, you can still make up for this today or tomorrow. In addition, there was high quality technical input onThursday at the workshop of the ES-SO – European Solar Shading Organisation on the subject of “Intelligent sun protection as an innovative concept for energy efficiency and resi- dential comfort of buildings.” Moreover, yesterday the VDS – Associa- „Auf der R+T ist es besonders toll, auf so geballte Art so viele Innovationen aus der Sonnen- schutzbranche zu erleben.Wir haben hier sowohl zu unseren Kunden als auch zu unseren Mitbewerbern intensive Kon- takte. Die R+T 2018 ist für uns absolut zufriedenstellend.Wir freuen uns, unseren Kunden das Produkt MegaView vorstel- len zu können. Der Sonnen- schutz ist besonders innovativ, weil der Ausblick in den Garten trotz aller Funktionalität be- sonders groß ist.“ “What is really great at the R+T is experiencing so many inno- vations from the sun protection industry in such a concentrated form. Here we have intensive contacts both with our custo- mers as well as with our compe- titors. For us, the R+T 2018 has been absolutely to our satisfac- tion.We are looking forward to being able to present the Mega- View product to our customers. This sun protection is especially innovative, because the view of the garden is especially good despite all the functionality.” R+T live Messekontakt Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH Messepiazza 1 · 70629 Stuttgart Tel.: +49 711 18560-0 Fax: +49 711 18560-2440 info@messe-stuttgart.de Impressum R+T Daily Tageszeitung zur R+T 2018 Herausgeber Verlagsanstalt Handwerk GmbH (VH) Auf’m Tetelberg 7, 40221 Düsseldorf Tel. 0234/95391-14 Fax 0234/95391-10 Redaktion: Maren Meyerling (V.i.S.d.P., VH), Wolfgang Weitzdörfer (VH) Anzeigen: Jenny Schenck (VH) Produktion: herzog printmedia,Wuppertal Druck Pressehaus Stuttgart Druck GmbH =LYSHNZHUZ[HS[ /HUK^LYR Messe Stuttgart WolfgangWeitzdörfer Ingo Verfürden Geschäftsführer Flexalum Managing Director Flexalum Messe Stuttgart