R+T 2018 Messezeitung Nr. 3

14 Unternehmen / Companies Pünktlich zum Messejahr 2018 bekommt die Becker-Familie Ver- stärkung: Mit CentronicPlus ergänzt ab sofort eine neue Funk- generation die beiden etablierten Systeme Centronic und B-Tro- nic – und überzeugt dabei durch eine besondere Fähigkeit. „Der große Unterschied zu unseren bisherigen Systemen ist, dass bei CentronicPlus sämtliche eingebundene Geräte untereinander ein Netzwerk aufbauen – und das vollkommen eigenständig“, erläu- tert MaikWiegelmann, Mitgesellschafter bei Becker und Leiter der Becker academy. „Fällt eines der Geräte aus, sind die anderen da- durch in der Lage, das Netzwerk als Ganzes am Laufen zu halten, was natürlich ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit gewährleistet.“ Sicherheit durch Selbstheilung In Fachkreisen spricht man dabei von einem „selbstheilenden“ Mesh-Netzwerk. Jedes Gerät kennt hier alle anderen, dem Netz- werk zugehörigen Geräte und Informationen werden untereinan- der weitergegeben – im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Lösungen, bei denen die einzelnen Geräte isoliert voneinander mit einer zen­ tralen Stelle kommunizieren. Das bietet zwei entscheidende Vor- teile: Etwaige Geräteausfälle lassen sich leicht kompensieren, in- dem sich das Signal über das Netzwerk einfach einen anderenWeg sucht – und zum anderen erhöht sich auch die Reichweite des Si- gnals enorm. Right in time for the trade fair year 2018, there is a new member in the Becker family: with immediate effect, a new radio generation has reinforced the two established systems Centronic and B-Tronic in the form of CentronicPlus – and it has a very convincing special capability. “The biggest difference from our previous systems is that in CentronicPlus all of the integrated devices form a network with each other – completely on their own,” explained Maik Wiegel- mann, co-partner at Becker and Head of the Becker Academy. “If one device crashes, the others can as a result keep the network as a whole running, which naturally guarantees the maximum in stability.” Security through self-healing Experts refer to this as a “self-healing”mesh network. All the devices know each other, the devices and in- formation belonging to the network are passed on to each other – unlike previous solutions, where the in- dividual devices communicated with a central body in isolation from each other.This has two decisive ad- vantages: any device crashes are easy to compensate by the signal simply looking for a different route via the network – and on the other, it increases the range of the signal tremendously. Bidirectional and downwardly compatible The status of the connected devices is of course dis- played directly – because like B-Tronic, CentronicPlus is also a bidirectional radio system.What in addition distinguishes the clever Becker solution: it is 100 per- cent compatible with the Centronic and Centronic II system transmitters and sensors. This makes elab- orate and cost-intensive retrofitting superfluous. “Only we can offer both systems actually function- ing in parallel,” emphasised MaikWiegelmann.“Moreover, Centron- icPlus naturally has secure AES-128 encryption and transmits on the 868 MHz frequency, which is resistant to interference.” Clever features and appmake it simple What experts for intelligent building automation appreciate in all of their solutions is effortless operation. CentronicPlus sets new standards here too. A push of the button suffices for start-up and the individual drives link up on their own as a functioning network. If new devices are added, the system recognises this completely au- tomatically – just like the receiver type. It is no longer even nec- essary to worry about the distribution of important receiver infor- mation, such as the device name. CentronicPlus takes care of this all independently. Moreover, the ability of the system to distribute software updates conveniently via radio ensures additional com- fort. The clever functions of the drives have now been supplemented by a newly-developed app with which Becker wants to make things even easier for its handicraft partners. It allows experts to precon- figure the drives individually when in operation and for example connect them in advance with the hand-held transmitter. This saves valuable time – for craftspeople and building owners. “At the customer itself, the roller shutter technician really only has to insert Becker-Funksystem CentronicPlus: Hohe Ausfallsicherheit, schnell installiert Becker radio system CentronicPlus: Fail-safe operation, quickly installed Indem sich das Netzwerk mit CentronicPlus um sich selbst kümmert, bleibt mehr Zeit für das Wesentliche. Since the network with CentronicPlus takes care of itself, there is more time for what counts. Becker-Antriebe (2)